Social Media Challenge: Rebellion Common Fire Cards
Hello Splinterfam! here I am back again for this week's social media challenge and I am here to talk about the latest card edition that came out this Dec 2023, the Rebellion. Let's talk about first the fire element and its common cards. For those of you who are new here, I only own modern cards silver level cards so I would mostly cover strategies, gameplays, and line ups on a silver level modern format perspective only.
The first card I would like to talk about is:
- Gabalano Soldier
Gabalano Soldier on a silver level which is level 5 for common cards has a stats of 1 melee attack 4 speed and 4 Health. The health and speed for a 3 mana cost card is good because he can survive a hit or two. Now if you take a look at its attack which is only 1 you would say that it is pretty weak but if you look at its abilities with sneak, ambush and shatter it is really good card plus pair it with a summoner tarsa to bump up its attack and health by 1. Now the Ambush ability is newly introduced along with the newly released rebellion cards. Ambush is an extra attack you can do before the start of round 1. Next card is the:
- Nimbledook Scout
Nimbledook Scout on a silver level which is level 5 for common cards has a stats of no attack 5 speed and 5 health. The 5 speed and 5 health is pretty great for a 2 mana cost card plus the abilities she have is very good. As of now she is the most expensive to buy compared to other common fire rebellion cards. The inspire ability is very useful to buff other melee attackers and her survivability is good and she can dish some damage due to her Backfire ability. She is very useful in low mana cap, she can serve as a tank and also in the backline. Next card is the:
- Kha'zi Fire Mage
Kha'zi Fire Mage on a silver level which is level 5 for common cards has a stats of 1 magic attack 4 speed 4 health and 1 armor. Her stats if pretty meh IMO with only 1 magic attack and the ability Scattershot for me is not good to use in any situation the only thing I think is good for her is the dodge ability and speed maybe she is useful on little league ruleset and to be placed in 2nd row and serve as a second tank once the tank dies. Next card is the:
- Chaos Orc
Chaos Orc on a silver level which is level 5 for common cards has a stats of 3 melee attack 3 speed 6 health and 3 armor is pretty decent for a 6 mana cost card the Piercing and Tramble ability is good for low to mid mana cap battles plus chaos orc is also compatible with the chaos legion summoner tarsa and riftwatcher summoner skargore. I think you can use this card in almost any line up due to its decent stats and ability.
I still haven't maxed any of these fire common rebellion cards yet but I am using Gobalano Soldier even if it is still low level and having much success with it. I am looking forward on maxing these common card as soon as possible especially Nimbledook scout before they become very expensive for me to afford. But as of now I am still focusing on other element first. The Gabalano Soldier and Nimbledook Scout is a priority max for me because the other two are pretty meh IMO, but it is still early to tell. People are still experimenting on different line ups who works well with who and what combination is good for a certain ruleset. Let's wait and see in the coming days.
Want to play Splinterlands? Click this link here for the Referral link. That's it for this weeks social media challenge. Thank you everyone for giving your time reading this blog I hope everyone enjoys and would have a winning streak. Again thank you and I'll see you on the next one.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121