OK OK yes, Proof of Brain is really more like 'Proof of how much HP your mates on Discord have' so it is flawed ...
This comes up quite often. Since I'm a transparency nut, I've never opened an account on Discord, or Telegram, or any of those social media. I've never been involved in a work group either, so that's another reason why I don't have accounts on those places ... since they're really designed for that type of activity. Nevertheless, the use case can always be perverted. It's shocking to think that people who have HIVE, who are on HIVE, choose to "go off" HIVE for anything regarding HIVE (other than the legit work groups between Devs, of course). I mean, why aren't they talking about their ideas here, on HIVE.blog, on the blockchain itself? And the bit about instant messaging is a total cop out in my opinion as well - as if the comments section of every post doesn't serve the purpose! So, is this really as prevalent as people say it is?
Edit: like @josediccus says, HIVE's my main bag too. 😎
The low point of that was @justineh getting paid $30 K for stuff she did off line, no record on chain of anything she did.
From what I understand, she may well Rue the day that it's not all on chain too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, Hive's gotta be the main bag, imagine if prices becomes good, as for the bull of BTC I'm only hoping hive follows in January or afterwards, however
I agree with your transparency ideology but you can't expect post comments to suffice for giving people a platform to build their connections and feel like calling Hive home. I agree on staying on the Hive ecosystem but not on making every discussion open. I would have it that open chat gets incremental rewards but give ability for encrypted privacy too with reduced reward because sometimes users might be exchanging truly private information like address or a discussion about personal life experiences.
Plus open discussion might work when a highly engaged posts gets 100 tops comments but if a significant amount of users ever join here, and the post gets over a thousand average comments then that's a messy affair. Plus @peakd still hasn't fixed the notifications to replies. A user needs to scroll through a single dump reply chain.
Is it any better on hive.blog?
Anyway there's a lot of issues here and the one thing I was thinking just now after a discussion with @edicted is that the reason many of these issues aren't attended to is because most that are still here committed to gaining a dollar are essentially "blind believers." The system to them could likely improve but hey who are they to speak up. They might lose the vote from those "whales" or be considered a black sheep. (I don't mean you edicted, I'm talking about the bulk of users.)
So then that made think...
Because if the stats from the resident statisticians show weekly 10K users then it's clear that since the system allows unlimited accounts then the real human number would be less. It would be interesting to know that figure but I'm not a stat man and how to find that stat accurately might not even be possible. If hypothetically though every user has 2 accounts then there's 5K real humans. Not everyone will have 2 accounts but then there's savvy users with way more than 2. So then I think if LEO has around 450 weekly users and growing then extrapolating that on Hive might mean Hive has about 4K weekly users that are real humans.
That figure I believe intuitively to be correct. Anyway the point is, even if 10K real humans are here weekly then that's something I would be focusing on because the code could be legendary as edicted says, but if no one is here to see that then where is this platform going? Just like a fire, it can't burn on large without fuel. It needs that oxygen to expand its reach. Platforms like this need people and in a growth manner. A tight knit community keeps something alive but then the goal is to have the world see what you see.
So for that (this whole comment was for this purpose) ... THIS PLACE NEEDS that glue on Hive: the chat system that doesn't leak users to discord. That system that automatically connects new users to believer users.. ON HIVE. That chat that gives this place meaning beyond just clicking a button for some itty bitty reward. A place that begins to exist as a new home.. not just somewhere you try hustle or work like a fool for months without anyone giving a crap about your experience.
GROW the AUDIENCE.. improve the HOME. The rest will follow. Maybe. Nothing is guaranteed.. but nothing really comes when the product is simply unknown outside of these confines.
This is a hivemind fix not a PeakD fix.
Do you mean the number of people creating and commenting or the number of people viewing content. There are likely 10-20k creating and commenting but probably around 200k people who come to view content on a monthly basis.
Also i didn't really follow your comment here are you saying CHAT is what we need or it's a distraction and we need a different "glue"? Because we're releasing a beta version of chat this week... already been in testing.
Yeah I'm a strong proponent of CHAT ON HIVE. As is @cryptographic. It's a very good thing to know you're moving on that. Obviously there's more than just chat that builds networks but keeping that traffic on this platform is so vital to them distributing those users to the dapp choices on the network.
That's why the glue needs to be good. Once users in the network resemble more than just 'people trying to earn a buck' and the network instead resembles 'a thriving social network with the added bonus of rewards' then those 200K viewers proceed to be a part of it. Plus the bigger the userbase, the greater the content and it's diversity.
Thanks for your input I think you're a good egg here! I look forward to the improvements peakd is making progress on.