Searching for the Perfect Sunrise

in #hive3 years ago

sunrise 1.jpg

I hate early mornings! However, making sacrifices and getting up at the crack of dawn is what's needed to get that sunrise shot.

If there's one thing I've learnt about photographers is that they are a crazy I mean "dedicated" bunch.

Most professional or amateur enthusiasts will stop at nothing to get that one shot that they've been searching for for so long. So this time I was part of that crazy bunch who had to get up at 4am to drive up to 3,000 meters above sea level into the Andes Mountains to find the perfect location for sunrise.

The mission was simple, find a beautiful foreground (in this case a rocky outcrop littered with cacti) and wait for the sun to come up over the Andes in the background. After scrambling up the rocks and over needle sharp cacti I finally managed to get the shot I wanted.

sunrise 2.jpg

The End Result


This is amazing, last year in one of my botany classes, a professor showed me a picture and stated he waited one year to get that particular view to take the shot, he always set out as early as 6 am to 7 am just to observe the sun and the state of the sky inorder to get is desired result, I was wondering why he has to stay that much, seeing your posts gives me better understanding of the devotion and dedication that resides in photography.

I love this shot you took, am certainly saving and using as my mobile wallpaper

Thank you. Your professor sounds dedicated - I'm new to photography really. I'm trying to take it more seriously, and it requires a lot of patience for sure.

Thats right

It's strange that crazy things bring happiness so valuable. I love the results that the crazy thing brings and feel the crazy journey. like you did

Haha yes the photographers are a crazy weird creature who goes to extremes to get the shot. Admirable and inspiring, the ambition and the drive to get up early in the morning when everybody else sleeps shows how passionate they are.
Your photo is beautiful, I love the sky

I appreciate you.