Happy New Year!
Did you ever watch Conan back when he was on Late Nite? He had a skit called "In the year 2000" where he'd make all these crazy joke predictions. And now we are in 2024. To me, the future. To my kids, it's now. Time just keeps on ticking, eh?
We would get into some really deep philosophical discussions about how social norms would be completely transformed with the new Star Trek like lifestyles of replicated food and supplies and no need to grind to pay the bills.
If we don't blow ourselves up (always a risk), the Yellowstone super-volcano doesn't erupt and kill us all, or global warming doesn't get us, I think this is still coming. AI, 3d printing, (cheap) fusion energy. These three things will propel us into the Star Trek-esque future—eventually. You and I will probably be dead by that time, but as progress speeds up we may start to see more and more hints or what is to come before old age.