I hear you on procrastination. Whew... I mean, I still haven't gotten around to responding to our conversation on Discord 😫
Anyway, lots there. First off, congratulations on 5 years! You beat me here by about a month I think. Hmm.. we did this dance last year. But I forget.
I want to respond to a lot of what you write. But it's morning here and kids are going nuts and I'm already pulling out my hair. Just writing this then to let you know I read your post and I intend to reply more, ideally later today when I get some free time. Will try not to procrastinate on that ;)
You must be killin' it out here!
@dbooster just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @raj808.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
No worries about the commenting @dbooster my friend!
Thank you, as I've said in this comments thread to many others, you are someone who genuinely read, and gave feedback and encouragement on my poetry for years.
I'm now reading regularly at a poetry night here in Liverpool and starting to make a name for myself in what is quite a vibrant poetry scene in our little city 🤣 Also, I've started the mammoth task of making a spreadsheet with links for all my steem/hive posts, mainly so that (if I ever find the time) I can sift through all the poetry, pick out the best of the best, do some serious re-writes and editing work and either self publish or submit as chapbooks dependent on how different the work ends up being.
I'll leave you with a bit of anarchist poetry I recorded recently, knowing that you like Rage Against the Machine from our previous conversations (although I wish I had Zack's ability to pen anarchist rhymes), it is my attempt at something more political, and less lyrical, but maybe more rhythmical 😂 than my usual style.