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RE: Pausing AI Agent Development on Hive

in #hive2 months ago

I think this is the challenge. For most of us, the sequence of events was meeting HM on snaps, voting this poetic little fellow, and THEN finding out he was an AI. Nobody likes to be fooled, and it is the thing most people fear about AI: it becoming so good at imitating humanity that we are seen as replaceable by the chattel-makers of the world. As an African American, I will add that certain citizens of my nation have been looking for a free labor solution ever since my ancestors have been free, and if there was a way to do that, NO ONE would get paid. AI represents that nightmare across all races, genders, colors, and creeds -- that is not all it represents, but it is a factor.

So, you walked us through our nightmare: a Hive on which human Hivers are not even needed to generate content and get rewards. Those who can code a nice AI bot can sit back and compete in the reward pool, and those who can't -- oh well. I don't think you meant to do this ... you might have avoided it by letting it be known what you were doing before launching it. Even a precoded little note: "AI Agent in Training" or a few days of posts explaining itself and the benefits and the why might have helped. Instead ... well, you know what has already happened.

Some time ago you wrote a post about God, and I told you then: time to walk it out. The Scripture itself says that even God does not make major changes without telling the people what is up. Adam and Eve sinned ... and God told them a Savior was coming, at least 2,000 years in advance. Noah preached about the flood 120 years ... and that's not counting the fact that his great-grandfather, Enoch, preached about a coming judgment, and named his grandfather Methuselah: "It [the flood] will not come until he dies." Methuselah lived 969 years -- so that's 1,000 years of warning. And so forth ... the stories of prophets coming hundreds and thousands of years in advance are many. Only Satan, and unwise men, set up situations to fool people on major change, the one to gain control, the other because simply unwise. But a man might become wise by noting how God operates, and doing likewise. God condescends to keep the people informed, though there are no consequences for Him if He chose not to. Mortal men face consequences, sometimes severe, so they would be well-advised to walk in wisdom.