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RE: Rewards Is NOT Motivation.

in #hive5 years ago

One of the best posts I've read in a long time @hitmeasap, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Motivation is such a complex issue, and I could easily write a post-length comment in reply to your post.

My wife and I have both been involved in the self-improvement and self-development fields for several decades; she's also a Jungian analyst... and we often talk about what drives people. BUT... also about the important complication that it is often "cover stories" we create the drive us, while hiding the deeper motivation.

From my perspective, rewards are not motivation, they are a consequence. For example, in the miniature "universe" that is Steem/Hive, my motivation is that I really enjoy writing and creating content, and I love the interactive nature of this type of venture. The writing and interaction are the motivation.

The rewards? Well, I have chosen to blog here (where there are rewards) rather than on Facebook (where there are NO rewards)... but that's more a practical/functional matter than a philosophical/values one. I'd still be writing and interacting, if there were no Hive.

But I DO have a "cover story," (just to illustrate how "tricky" this analysis can get!) which is that I can better justify spending a couple of hours a day blogging (rather than doing paying work) because there are rewards.

So I ended up "blogging on your blog" anyway... but it's an interesting topic!


Thank you @denmarkguy, I appreciate your comment.

I like what you say about your perspective and to see rewards as a consequence. Very true.

I'd still be writing and interacting, if there were no Hive.

This. That is pure gold. I had already stopped using Facebook when I joined Steem, but I was still extremely active on dozens of internet marketing forums, within FAQ sections on various marketplaces etc. With time, as I eventually quit freelancing, I stopped being active on those sites but I continued with Steem. Not because I had a chance to earn money, but because I still wanted to be active and share content somewhere.

The money (or rewards) was just a lovely bonus, but that wasn't what lead me to quit other places.

If I had been focusing on the rewards more than anything, I would've done things very differently. I would have tried to please my audience in different ways, I would have chased dolphins and whales. I would basically have done anything and everything I could to score some juicy upvotes... But that's not who I am.

I would never let money or fame steer my actions or change me as a person.