Get enough rest after exercise

in #hive5 years ago


Sports is one of the activities of body movement that is able to nourish the body, this activity is better we do every day, for at least 10 minutes.

But with exercise that is done regularly, we must also get enough rest after this activity. When doing exercise our stamina is drained, the body's muscles are under pressure, the heartbeat is unstable so to normalize all of that, after exercise it is recommended that you rest sufficiently.

You can rest by sitting relaxed or getting enough sleep. Avoid cold drinks after doing these activities.

Olahraga merupakan salah satu aktivitas gerak tubuh yang mampu menyehatkan tubuh, kegiatan ini ada baiknya kita lakukan setiap harinya, minimal selama 10 menit.

Namun dengan olahraga yang dilakukan secara teratur, kita juga harus beristirahat secukupnya usai kegiatan ini. Saat melakukan olahraga stamina kita terkuras, otot tubuh dalam tekanan, detak jantung tidak stabil maka untuk menormalkan semua itu, usai olahraga disarankan agar beristirahat dengan cukup.

Istirahat bisa anda lakukan dengan duduk santai atau tidur secukupnya. Hindari minuman dingin usai melakukan kegiatan tersebut.