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RE: Hivewatchers Drama / AI Drama

in #hive2 years ago

It depends on AI, I see images come up on midjourney that I don't have yet knowledge to do it.
But like I said, AI, small accounts abusers, are a small issue comparing to some things in front of your eyes. All eyes! Because as far as I know no one is blind in Hive.


So like in real life, those with the money want to keep it all for themselves.What is the answer? Buy bitcoin?

Mate, to be honest I depend ZERO from Hive. I'm just talking because I love Hive. But like I love I also can leave without, no problem to me.
To me, the answer is improve to a more equalitary reward pool, "fight" the daily circle jerk upvotes. For most part of people this is about rewards, or they will not be in Hive, so let's make a more equalitary reward pool. How? Trying to convince those who benefits and those who curate them that a system where all have the same opportunities is better even for them.

We need more OCD's!

If Hive is to scale, it for sure needs more OCDs.

Birds of a feather, flock together. The vote circle jerking is probably not going to end though.

Well... If will not at least refrain (I'm not saying it must stop tomorrow, it takes time), Hive will never reach an higher level. It's like the golden eggs, one day you wakeup and realized they finish. Like I said, it doesn't hurt me.. I just can't deal with injustices and dishonest people. ;)

I feel you Doze. Thanks for reminding us of what's going on, onchain.

Thanks for the talk! Have a great day, or night, don't know lol here is already night.

Same here, time for bed soon. Lol

It always depends on what exactly you mean by AI or which tool you use. If you only deliver copy & paste content and post daily, then I am 100% with the HIVWWatchers :-) Otherwise, AI is simply what is definitely there and will remain ...

Thanks for your comment 👍