Some as you may know some brothers and sisters tend to think that in this world we are totally free and sometimes forget to remind themselves of the consequences of there actions. While it's not for us to judge or put someone in a position of miscommunication, we do have to live up to the law of God in a sense where we can truthfully remind them that an action they have taken was good or bad. Using no references we will touch on the fact that within life there is punishment and rewards. The Bible has truly laid this out for us that every action doesn't go unseen. As every action does reap what we sew and we must take the necessary actions of helping ourselves out by encouraging good behavior from being a child to being a man (or women). No we cannot stop people as people have free will but what we can do is use the grace of God to instill positive attitude and behavior in a person in million ways unimaginable. We are the leaders and we do have followers, people that look up to us in life and wonder were certain things come from as we can give a helping hand when it come to self betterment. This is exactly what Jesus talked about in the parables and what still leads the heart of man to this day. No one wants to suffer and this world has been designed in such a way that sometimes it doesn't seem fair but trust brothers and sisters around the world there is a better place for us and the end of the road (we are not left out). So I encourage you to just utter a positive word of yes "encouragement" to whoever it may be family, a co-worker, or a partner and tell them you do love them. Thank You "Christians WorldWide."