Corona treat our life today ... Our social relations, activities, economy, work, etc, are all for limited. Every day we hear, read, see the sad news about death from this virus and how this outbreaks impact this world.
Taiwan Become A success Story of Corona Virus Response
The story of quarantine in Taiwan took place several months ago. When the virus spreads more and more in Wuhan China and Wuhan doing for lockdowns. Taiwan is a country close to China and the one of the Commonwealth of China. Precisely the beginning of the lunar new year, where Taiwanese citizens have begun to be infected, the central government directly closed flight access to and from pandemic areas such as China, Hong Kong, Macau and South Korea. Chinese tourists who visited were returned to their country. Collective and independent quarantine systems are also deployed for people who have gone abroad. Panic buying and scarcity of masks and hand sanitizers also happened. But in a matter of days everything is immediately conducive. The government takes over and assures its people that everything will be fine. Taking over the mask production system, selling and buying masks under one price with a rotating purchasing system based on health insurance card numbers, as well as a mask allocation per person in one week.
The beginning of the virus increasingly out of control in China, the Taiwan government had time to close schools and carry out massive social restrictions. Prohibiting public events that are attended by more than 10 people, ordering all citizens to wear masks when outside activities, closing places that are used to gather together such as the main station, and forbid many to leave the house except to buy basic necessities. There is no lockdown story here. Until now, the atmosphere of the lives of Taiwan citizens remains conducive. Every building or public places such as malls or schools, shops, etc always check the temperature of the visitors who arrive before entering, also provides hand sanitizers in each place, as well as spraying disinfectants in public areas. WHO (World Health Organisation) recognizes and recommends Taiwan as a role model for one of the country's was success stories in response for the corona outbreak. Until now April 4, 2020, 339 infected patients in Taiwan with a mortality rate of 5 people.
My Quarantine life
The story of my mandatory quarantine when it was suspected from Covid-19
I am an Indonesian citizen who has lived and worked in Taiwan as a migrant worker for almost 7 years. My work, which sometimes has to be often outside the house, directly meets many people. That day on February 21, I experienced a dry cough and sore throat. Coughing in the present is something that is frightening for everyone especially if you are in a public place when you cough all of eyes directly on you, maybe even if you are watching TV and the person in the TV show coughs, you will immediately turn off the TV 😅.
I think that's normal, just because of the effect of season changes from winter to spring. Because I do not have a history of travel contacts or with positif patients. At that time, I did not know that the Corona virus could stick and survive in inanimate objects or in the air. So I only went to an doctor in clinic to ask for a prescription medicine.
Until a few days my cough did not subside, plus shortness of breath, my body felt sick and had a fever but not at high temperatures around 37 ° C. At midnight on the 28th I went to the General Hospital in Taichung City to have a check-up. Seeing the state of the hospital at that time there were feelings of scared, panic, worried, and excessive paranoid. Where a lot of patients are lining up to check too. Well-dressed medical personnel welcomed everyone who came. I queued for almost 2 hours until I was treated by a doctor. From checking body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, saliva swap, x-ray, and various tests that I do not know the name. Then continue the interview test and get the opname for one day at the hospital while waiting for the test results to come out. Of all the tests I tested, I was declared for negative Covid-19. But still must be self quarantine because of weak body conditions but are still free to go out just to buy daily necessities and those who are obliged to only limit contact with others.
The beginning of quarantine all feels boring, the days just struggling in the room. Resting from illness, sunbathing while walking in the morning air, reading books, making videos for my YouTube channel are what I do in the days of undergoing an self quarantine. Besides that, my spare time is filled with cooking activities, contacting family in Indonesia and writing a few posts on social media.
Even though our lives are all limited now, we can still share positive things with everyone. Encouraging each other and together fighting the outbreaks by always following the instructions to guard health and things recommended from relevant government institution. Convinced that behind this outbreaks, God always entrusts His wisdom. Until the quarantine of 14 days ended the status of the symptoms that I experienced remained negative. What I need to do now is to maintain body immunity, and avoid interacting with many people or physical distancing and less to leave the house except for work and for urgent, and always wash hand, wear a mask when outside, maintain health by adjusting healthy food, enough for rest. May we all avoid this epidemic, and hope that a vaccine for covid-19 can soon be found.
We are one.This is my story about my personal quarantine. Thank you @theycallmedan for the opportunity for everyone to share quarantine stories from various countries. Spreading about good vibes and spirit for everyone around the world. That