New users are not on auto-voters, while plenty of old users are on large value auto-voters. Some to more of them (I think more than that) are continuously posting low quality and quick posts collecting a lot of value, whilst their contributions don't deserve the value, especially compared to the quality posts of new users (and old users who are not on those large value auto-voters).
Auto voters are too lazy to review and adjust their auto votes, and that is the most positive explanation I can give to this.
Back to downvote and scaring new users. In my honest opinion, it is the trending pages and the selected amount of users getting the majority of the rewards that scare new users. In the last 4 to 5 years I have seen so many great content creators come and go because their content was undervalued a lot in comparison to high rewards on low-quality posts.
We need more governance teams, with lots and lots of downvote power. Teams that operate 100% transparent, like Hivewatchers. When taking away the rewards of all crap posts around, we can be confident we'll change the general culture in our community for the good.