Hey thanks for the mention, highly appreciated.
Take care with the punt coin because it's very risky. Diving into new coins and researching them can be a very grateful experience but also a nightmare when things don't go as expected, for that reason, I always try to stick with coins with 'defined' use cases and whenever possible a 'real' business behind (and that's the reason of my love for AVA).
That being said, It's always a good idea to 'dive in' slowly, you'll avoid 99% of the times being burned.
Enjoy the Sunday buddy :)
Well, I was so careful I didn't buy any yet!
I am Mr Gradual as a general rule, so no need to worry there!
Have a good day yourself and cheers for the post!
What d'you think of Mana btw? I bought some of that a while back, accidentally, but you can use it!
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