I've only played xbow...
It's not the meta - not the way I play...
But I got some jewels with +19% xbow reload speed and some passives to help out and attack speed also improves reload... so it's ok.
Meta builds use a lightning skill that loads 8+ bolts at a time and then some uniques and skills where DEX improves attack speed too...
Anyways, I am clearing lvl 15 maps easily and went full LIFE + armor, so I don't die to bosses. All works great, because I can buy high lvl gear for cheap from the market.
I'd say I am in the late late game now. Preparing for pinnacle bosses and juicing my maps hard.
But maybe I reskill to staff, buy the right uniques and go for what the meta is rn...
Not sure.
Anyways, since I don't want to play a girl or a black dude, I am stuck with mercenary forever.
Just add me, join voice and we play an hour or so :)
Hows crossbow as a weapon? When I heard it needs to reload often it could be too slow for my liking, but late game its probably zooming.
I've only played xbow...
It's not the meta - not the way I play...
But I got some jewels with +19% xbow reload speed and some passives to help out and attack speed also improves reload... so it's ok.
Meta builds use a lightning skill that loads 8+ bolts at a time and then some uniques and skills where DEX improves attack speed too...
Anyways, I am clearing lvl 15 maps easily and went full LIFE + armor, so I don't die to bosses. All works great, because I can buy high lvl gear for cheap from the market.
I'd say I am in the late late game now. Preparing for pinnacle bosses and juicing my maps hard.
But maybe I reskill to staff, buy the right uniques and go for what the meta is rn...
Not sure.
Anyways, since I don't want to play a girl or a black dude, I am stuck with mercenary forever.
Just add me, join voice and we play an hour or so :)
Lets go few runs. Whats your steam nickname to add you?
That's my POE2 account name.
I cant add you for some reason from ingame. try character name gigaminion and add from social
did that.
I'd prefer, if we did the rest on Discord, instead :)