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RE: Important things to be considered regarding vulnerabilities on Hive Blockchain.

in #hive5 years ago

I would prefer that should I want to vote for two witnesses, my VP not be necessarily divided in half, but that if I want to vote 2/3 of my stake for one, and 1/3 for the other, that split is at my sole option. Voters should have the ability to determine what support they provide of the stake they have to provide it with.

I strongly agree with your objection and counterproposal. Your idea sounds much better.

But I am curious about what you might think about the Expiration part to prevent dead accounts from influencing the Blockchain.

Also, if is not much to ask, could you please either reblog or copy-paste those ideas? If you copy-paste(and edit) don't need to credit me as my intention is for those proposals to reach the most people possible regardless of who gets authorship credit.