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RE: Discussion: Why are new users not sticking around?

in #hive5 years ago

Now it seems I have quite 10 HIVE on wallet. So I think I can start creating communities on Hive. But I am not sure if it really is worth the struggle or if I should leave the platform. Have you experience on creating new communities? How hard is to get people on board on new communities? I wouldn't like to waste money if it is quite impossible to get new users on new communities. I don't know how people could find a new community created by me, for example.


It is as difficult getting new people in a community and building a community as it is in getting established as an individual on Hive. Right now there are a lot of communities on Hive, most have a hard time getting established.

An example is I follow 5 Photography Communities. They have from 0 active users with 140 subscribers, (the low side), to 291 active users with 1049 subscribers. Pretty small numbers when you see the amount of photography related post. The large catch all community of GEMS has 1656 active users, and almost 6000 followers.

Remember though Hive Block Chain has only been active for about four months, it is still in its settling in phase. As for getting your community seen, peakd has worked on getting a post promotion system working where you pay to have your post/Advertisement moved higher on the explore tags and feeds list.