To tell you the truth i am not surprised. I am here almost since the beginning back in steem days so i have seen a lot. For me also it's human nature to complain when something doesn't get like you want or expect. I can agree that Hive has some issues that need to be resolved, we are quite undervalued, and we need better marketing, more builders (like you with the upcoming game) and less abuse (fairly way better than years ago) but we also need to criticise ourselves as well.
For instance, i think that currently in order for someone to get more and better rewards he/she will need content & networking. Content can limit you though if you don't comment, upvote and in general interact with the community. I know that first-hand as when i had a lot of free time and was here 5-6 hours per day interacting with people (i was top in the list for months in terms of commenting according to leostats), my rewards were x3-4 times what they currently are and when Hive was around 15-20 cent, so you can imagine. The past year for instance and this one my time is limited, i try to make at least 2-3 posts per week, ofc to reply back to any comment under my post and also if i have the time to curate and comment as well. Ofc my rewards are nowhere near what used to be and it's due to the lack of time. Literally, if i make a post, send it to you and you post as your own you will receive 10-20 times more due to that networking effect.
I don't say this as a negative though, what i am trying to say is that we all need to go the extra mile and not take everything for granted just because we made a post, are here for a certain period of time etc etc. We need to know of our situation set goals and stop complaining without actual reason for things that are before our grasp. I think there are more serious things that need to be addressed around Hive than these kinds of complaints. It's even more sad and frustrating when you see people complaining like the one you mentioned, who is actually abusing the system :p Like come on man, you have been getting x rewards for x amount of time with an x form of abuse and you still wanna complain? :P Hive doesn't need you!
Was going to say I remember you from way back but looks like I'm still following you too. Guess I've just been rather busy lately with @holozing to curate my feed properly. :D
Haha no worries I don't have the time I want for curation as well so i get you. Keep focusing on the game I would say, as I consider it to currently be the most expected thing around Hive, that will benefit the ecosystem greatly in my opinion if it succeeds!