True true, additionally it rewards people that keep staking their HP. I was sort of thinking out loud there
I guess that my biggest concern is convincing minnows that they participate in the debate. In reality not all minows are going to vote on the same witnesses. So moving mountains is perhaps still far away. But more than their HP their voice counts in the witness discussions. And I mean that literally, they should speak their mind frankly and honestly. After all their HP represents their voting power. It doesn't make their thoughts, ideas and concerns less interesting/valuable.
But convincing all of them about that is in practice a difficult task I fear.
Though I read in posts and discords now and then the idea about creating some sort of tutorial/welcome platform. That doesn't sound bad at all and could incorporate lessons about witnesses and why or how to vote. Plus such a platform sure beats having people be confronted with the "rules" the hard way
Well right now, if the minnows find their ways to them, we have many discord communities running round the clock fully of folks like @wesphilbin or @thekittygirl or so many others like them, hidden in the blockchain communities and corners, endlessly answering all the things as they hang out in the more entry level guidance oriented discords.
But the folks have to see the posts that such places exist, find them, do the discord disco and join them, but once there, there is a vibrant minnow scene.