Some of us have been here for years building something entirely Different than what Mass Psychosis wants.
You've been doing what for a couple of weeks now? Just uploading your content? And you think it's not working?
Well... It works bub.
Blockchain is a Tech for keeping Your digital data YOURS!
That social networking bump in audience aint going to happen here.
This place is for making sure you're not deleted by SanFran Faggots who got their indoor dayjob in twitter and Facebook and other MK ULTRA systems that were designed to make the populous act like shitHeels to one another over internet fame : /
You can then bring people that YOU know to look at the WORDS HERE without flashy pop ups and gross advertising. The people who come HERE do Not have to SIGN UP here to read your words and see your work; like they do on almost every other platform. I believe that THIS is all you should expect from here and nothing more really.
Now THAT is how this Blockchain works and 3Speak is something ENTIRELY different. Like the comment above I believe your vids are being seen in the embeds and I see your feed is getting acknowledged. I like your work so you should stick around and learn to use this place like a Badass... IMHO.