We don't need FRANK BACON \- Assembly-Line-Front -/ HIVE-on-You || Quit PRO CO - >

in #hive3 years ago

Reinvent what we never could make
There's just something that art has to pLay

There's a truth where the judgement is made

(Stop watching, stop watching, stop watching)


| HIVE on you


(Stop waShing)

(Stop waShing) We don't need @frankbacon


Romantically civilized

We don't need guardians, we don't want guidance

Build up a city, build it ugly, unpretty

Adding up workers to die without feel for perfection

You closed your eyes - start counting

You closed your eyes - stop watching

Stop watching, stop watching, stop watching

( GATE$STARPROJECTOR: Benjamin FRANKlin Bacon :Become Illusive )

(Stop watching, stop watching, stop watching)

| HIVE on you, | HIVE on you

law rule doorpost.png

We don't need FRANK BACON
Seering wounds open
Distorted affection
Forgot where we came from
Surveillance detected
No Magic Bullet
There's no protection
Cerebral infection

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 5.10.10 PM.png

| HIVE on you