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RE: Likely Death Blow to Masks (and Distancing) & Numerical Proof COVID Pandemic Did Not Exist (UK)

in #hive4 years ago

but that in no way proves cause of death to be a disease that has not been scientifically proven to be caused by a virus that has not yet been proven to exist.

Lol, I have no idea what you're talking about. And pretty sure you don't either.

Maybe a trip to India could give you a fresh perspective on things. Or a conversation with one of the many people who suffer severe post-covid headaches for months after recovering from the initial disease.


You do know headaches is the #1 side effect of long term mask use, right? Anyway, virus hasn't been isolated, that's a fact, look into it, PCR test has 90% false positive, I know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm citing the experts the media won't cover who are far more qualified than I am to know about these things, but the facts of no virus isolation meaning no proven novel coronavirus and PCR false positives are easy for all to lookup and verify for themselves.