Silenced by the Far Left on Hive - The death of Free of Speech

in #hive5 years ago

It seems that the far left on this platform have no interest in engaging in debate or discussion. The fact that one whale can essentially cripple an account with one down vote highlights the massive flaw in Hive.

Instead of trying to dispute any claims I made in my articles or arguing against my opinion, the account innerhive gave my recent articles a down vote. Not only did this wipe out any earnings, it also destroyed my reputation score. It's ironic really because the account claims to be a promoter of Hive and appears to be a strong defender of the platform but is actively driving people off the platform with their actions.

I guess it's not surprising really given that the far left are intent on turning each social media platform into an unchallenged echo chamber. I welcome debate. I welcome discussion and I welcome anyone who disagrees with anything I've written. I want to better understand the issues and why people hold the views they do, regardless of their political persuasion. Unfortunately it seems that those with the ability to shape this platform do not feel the same way.

Disagreement and civil debate is a great thing and is what is needed if we are to solve the many injustices in this world.

It's unfortunate as platforms like Hive have potential. It's a shame that those on the far left are intent on silencing anyone who doesn't share the same views as they do.

Free speech on this platform is just an illusion as any whale has the potential to silence any account.


another asshole blaming the "far left" boogieman. how dare people use their voting power to down vote posts they dislike. anyone using such freedom must be "leftist" and so "left" that they are "far left"...LOL

yup some accounts are on a rage here
but there are some orcas or dolphins who are right leaning or/and in favor of free speech.

Lets reblog this to get this conversation going
If HIVE messes this up, it LOOSES its BIGGEST USE CASE.

Thanks for the support. It's a shame because this sort of behaviour and flaw in the system only drives people away.

Indeed :)
I have commented, let´s see if we get an answer. Or maybe I am the next one...
But those downvotes were scandalous.

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It looks like the same is going on with the @esteem app as well. I tried boosting some "informationwar" non-left posts but my transactions are being refunded.

At this point, I'll be posting about other stuff with no opinion.


Maybe it's not about what you said at all...

... but the fact that you are not stating the sources for any of the images you have been using on your posts?

I don't know anybody here nor anything about politics. I know Steemit is and was a failure back in 2018 already for aforementioned reasons. So I don't understand the click-bait:y Title other than it's great for getting people the read your well-written articles here despite the unfortunate 'silencing'. I don't actually know what article got down-voted here or by whom but that defect has always been on Steem so ofc its on Hive aswell.
My concerns of your title:
-I don't give af about politics so I'm clueless why you deduce a random whale down-voting you a "far left". Maybe you've read some of the whales articles and he calls himself that. But if it was someone anonymous then I feel its a bit of a stretch..
(Note that MANY other names come to my mind about whales doing shi#y things without a single word to back up their actions..)

But again, great title to draw people's attention to the issue of the entire platform. I never understood why Steemit made the "more-money-votes-more" -concept in the first place..
-Which brings to my other issue:
It's not the "death of free speech" - that would imply that there ever was such a thing here! ;) Sadly, it was dead 1-2 yrs ago already when I first joined Steem and realized not to ever put a dime in it. :S On a more serious note those whales can't delete your posts entirely but taking the monetary incentive is a real bitch obviously, so I feel for ya buddy!
Now after the Hive fork, I joined it basically just for the blockchain games..

Shout out to @stayoutoftherz for sticking up for you in the page.
I'd say keep writing the Free-Speach but don't let it consume you.

Thanks for the support! I knew that whales had an upper hand on Steem/Hive but I didn't realise quite how damaging a downvote from one could be. To be honest, I was surprised to see that my reputation was completely wiped out and rendered my account virtually useless on this platform. I don't think the downvote option should be taken away but the power of one whale to destroy an account for no reason other than disagreeing with their political views needs to be addressed urgently or it will be the end of this platform.

As for the far-left, I checked out the account that downvoted it and the ones tied to it and it appears to originate from the berniesanders account on Steem. That's why I put that in the title as I consider those on that side of the spectrum to be far-left. If it was someone anonymous or who had nothing to link to them those views then I wouldn't have included it but from I could deduce, it would appear they downvoted and ruined this account because they disagreed with what I'm saying.

You will have seen from my posts so far that I am not spreading hate, I'm only trying to share the stuff or make the points that the media is not. I want to have discussions, I want to see why someone disagrees with me. I don't want an echo chamber of people who feel exactly the same way as me. You'd have noticed from the comments I am eager to respond and explore these issues further. That's what I hoped this platform could be but sadly it appears it is not.

Unfortunately I'm probably going to call it a day on Hive and Steem very soon as this is not the platform I want to support, nor am I really able due to the destruction of this account.

I agree. Politics is limited talk. Most of the popular things on here really pertain to nothing. You have the same people posting consistently and getting up votes just because. I'm not mad at all. No. But let's be real here. A certain group of people run things even if It's decentralized. People don't want real. They want illusions & comfort. So let them fall to their own demise.

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classic bernie ;)

La libertad de expresión es un tema importante hermano, y mucho mas en redes sociales,y mucho mas en redes tipo blog como esta en las que importa la opinión,el pensamiento y las ideas de todos,siempre y cuando haya respeto, y no hayan comentarios ni posteos de odio, racismo, discriminación, xenofobia... ustedes saben ese paquete, todo ese libreto que aplican y con el que vienen las personas de ultraizquierda y de ultraderecha, que aunque sean distintos son raices de un mismo tronco, son semejantes en muchas cosas, en lo autoritarios, totalitarios, represivos, despoticos, dictatoriales y tambien y sobre todo en cuanto a la censura, que es lo que mas les encanta, que nadie tenga su criterio propio ni piense por su propia cuenta, sino que sea uno mas del monton,una de las ovejas mas que obedecen y acientan con la cabeza sin cuestionar nada, sin decir nada, sin hacer nada encontra y sin pensar nada encontra, ¡distinto!, es por eso que los que piensan libremente, que tienen criterio, que no siguen esas corrientes y que piensan totalmente distinto creemos fielmente es en la democracia, en el devate de ideas, en la diversidad de ideas, en eso se enriquecen nuestros conocimientos y por ende nuestra vida,pero pensando individualmente, con nuestros propios criterios que nos reperesentan y nos hacen seres verdaderamente autonomos, valiosos e importantes, sin seguir ni estar bajo las botas de ningún caudillo, tirano y dictador opresor y esclavizador!, es como diria Schopenhauer en esta foto!


Here is my modest up vote.
Who is crippling whom?

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Sadly the left is postmodernism now. They don't believe in logic which is ludicrous in itself. I believe they have a form of megalomania. The Karen's are just trying to stay relevant

I don't entirely agree. It is unfortunate if an honest, genuine and moral account/post is downvoted, but at the same time we NEED a downvote system, otherwise extremely illegal / immoral content would end up in people's feeds with no way of punishing the content creator.

Hive has FAR more freedom compared to centralized platforms like Twitter, etc where they can literally erase your post (or your identity) from existence.

Yes it is a balancing act, one that will continue to very gradually improve with time, but HIVE is absolutely better than traditional platforms, hence, you are still posting here and still earning money off your posts (You weren't wiped-out).

I agree with Hive having a downvote system, that wasn't my problem. My problem is the amount of power a downvote from a whale can actually have, particularly when it is used as I highlighted.

No platform is perfect but we should be careful about allowing anyone to have such an enormous amount of power, regardless of if they are on the right or left, to effectively silence accounts which is what happens when you have negative reputation through one downvote which is what I experienced.

Thankfully some kind people were able to counter balance the downvote I received that rendered my account useless. If I had never made this post this though that wouldn't be the case and I wouldn't be able to continue earning money or able to have discussions.

Aye, agreed that "few but large" entities are definitely a threat if used maliciously. The large difficulty is making deterministic "stake/reputation" systems that do not rely on monetary backing. In crypto, the only TRULY deterministic source of "stake" is the currency itself, so, the more of the currency someone holds, the more powerful they are...

It's far from perfect, but many are working to try and improve these systems day after day, I have alot of hope for this space.

Congratulations @freenewsnetwork!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

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