Leaving Hive due to the unprofessional passive aggressive fascist whales.

in #hive3 years ago

Leaving Hive due to the unprofessional passive aggressive fascist whales. I don't plagiarize or spam. Not once has anyone reached out to me about some new rules. Please join me elsewhere. I dare not speak their names. Those that are also being attacked know exactly what I am talking about. I searched hive and steem and these people seem to do this a lot and the replies I have seen them make to some people for just asking a question are often some of the rudest things I've seen here. At least HiveWatchers gives a basic bot alert, which I havent received anything from them. I stared powering down. No reason to waste my time or investment if there is some group of whales on the hunt and I for some reason got on their cross hairs. If you follow me you know I dont post spam or abusive content or plagiarize.

Thanks OCD and others who have been more than awesome. It's been great until recently but apparently I am not allowed to post or comment anymore with out being attacked with whale downvotes so nothing I post will ever earn a drop of Hive and gets hidden.


Not sure why people are downvoting you, but why are YOU downvoting ME?

Do I know you?
Have we crossed paths before?
Has my post upset you?
Have I downvoted you before?

Don't forget to take your alts with you.

This post didnt have the reveal post on it

I'll miss you mate

Don't game too hard

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