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RE: On the Etiquette of replying to comments on Hive...

in #hive16 days ago

If I comment on a post, and I only comment on posts that have sparked my interest, and unless they are someone I follow or who follows me. I mute them, not interested especially if they are noobs. Sometimes just a thumbs up OK is neede as a matter of curtesy.

I am afraid I don't reward a comment, not sure if it is of value to the commenter? I do when someone ( not AI written) has taken then time and trouble to respond in a worthwhile manner use the topcomment and hopefully they will earn rewards fom that

Do I need to change my way of thinking?


TBH I don't comment on too many other people's posts, something I could do more of, but it certainly has to spark my interest for that.

I think i maybe just vote comments out of habit, I need to think about whether it's worth it. Probably the main reason I do is because it's an easy way of using up voting power. These days I'm finding I'm voting what i'd call mundane content from people who I know keep it powered up, there's so little worth my vote!

Hence voting comments.

On that note it's now 9.00 a.m. my working day beckons!

LOL oh the joys of the 9-5