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RE: Hive’s future as a 2nd layer blockchain network

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

I was already complaining a lot about traditional ads flying around.
It's risky (find a flaw, inject code in ad, deploy to all Hive holders as a service, harvest).
It's annoying (well, like most of the ads)
And it's not that common on the Internet these days.
The only case I know where attention is paid to classic ads is when my ad blocker does it to get rid of them ;-)

A way better approach is to show people that instead of paying for classic ads, they can brag about their products or services directly on the platform. They can engage with the community, gain influence; power up their HIVE. That could be mutually beneficial.

IMHO few bucks from some random scammers being able to advertise their scheme on the Hive frontends isn't worth it.

Applying more visibility to those who set @null / as a beneficiary is a far better approach.


Those are all excellent points against monetizing ads, I think.