So what is all the fuss about Hive???
Special thanks to @krazzytrukker for the encouragement to cross over here from Steemit.
How does Hive work? For now it seems like just the same as Steemit. How do you check your voting power and stuff? Is there a Hive World site or something like Steem World? Someone please enlighten me. Thank you!
In the mean time I don't think an introduction is necessary. I'm pretty sure most of you all have been following me for the past 2 years on Steemit and know all about me so why bother?
Good to see you , welcome to Hive , missed your stuff . And sorry , i am still figuring thing out myself , one tip , downsize and compress your pictures , Hive is still small , but growing and free !
Glad you made it.
Beeme.ICU is the steemworld clone.
Welcome to the Hive! What took you? 😉
I just hate having multiple accounts on social media. Wasn't Weku created a year and a half ago because of all the Steemit discontent back in 2018? It is redundant I think. But I'm here now so I should just get used to it.
Hey Hippy good to see you on Hive (I stopped looking at Steemit the day of the hardfork)
If you use the Peakd front end all will be revealed!
Login using the Peaklock option with your Steemit posting key.
This is like a new restart of Steemit back before it all turned to shit - where it improves and develops each day
Thanks for the info @frot! I couldn't get Peakd to work. It isn't set up to use on the Brave browser? I have to use Chrome or Firefox?
I've had no problem using it on Brave or Opera
I got it to work through peaklock. WOW! My power is at like 30% and will take 3 whole days to power up. How the Hell did that happen!? I don't think I've done upvoted that much HA HA.
That is odd - power goes down about the same as on Steemit, so just give out 1% votes for a few days
Ahhh - light bulb moment - I guess with 73 Hive Power you have low resources and no vote slider - you need to get over 500HP to fling votes around I think (this geek stuff is not my gig).
It won't help much but here is a 23 cent vote to get you started.
Welcome buddy. We have all moved to a new chain called hive. There is more interaction on this chain though