I just stumbled on this report. It is a good thing to know that there is an organized structure for the sponsorship of projects geared towards #hive promotion. We have been doing so much in our little way to bring smile to the faces of people and there by promote hive in out community.
As mentioned in your report mcsamm didn't know anybody but stepped out with his plans. I have been in contact with @mcsamm and he has been of help in guiding me in some ways.
Presently we have made a branded t-shirt that will help in promoting hive at first sight as we will be going out for promotion in a college in Nasarawa, Nigeria by tomorrow. You can find the post I made here for more details about the project
I will like to know the procedures for applying for project sponsorship as there are so many who are in need of help due to insurgency and their loved ones are no more.
Thank you for the anticipated response