Keep in mind as sort of hinted above, Justine's expertise in particular to the Hive blockchain is important. A lot of people don't understand the inner workings of a community ( look at Justin Sun as an example & Steem ) and figured they can come waltzing right in and pull all this off. Just imagine how long it would take to ramp up some random person why he is doing this for the community and understanding all tech behind it ? It would be a nightmare and would take many, many months more time to get the listings we have now . So how is that priced in? I'm not sure if it is, or maybe it is. I'm just pointing out the level of understanding our community and the inner workings along with the tech behind it has some huge value imho. It is hard to find who actually understand it , let alone care about it.
Edit: also, keep in mind paying for something after its been done probably has a higher price point. I could be wrong.
I dont think any serious critic is disputing her value or to fund her. Its more the details, how this transpired, relative scale of the flat out number on the proposal regardless of how the math works out, the initial communication, the "past work" aspect, and now I would say even some of her responses to the blacklash. I want to to be grounded in supporting her getting funding. This is all unnecessary, all it would take is a revised proposal after some back and forth with the community and everyone would win.
Her sticking hard to this proposal would feel like iDubbz standing behind his gf's onlyfans to his community backlash; its just so outta character. (just to add some humor)