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RE: The Hivewatchers & Spaminator Operational Proposal for the Period 2024-2026

in #hivelast year (edited)


some sort of scheme with some spammer accounts, who for some weird reason sent me all of them

Some of these fake accounts have been found posting plagiarism.
All of these 17 accounts have been transferred to your account, uniquely.
It is very unlikely that 17 accounts have been sending their rewards earned with abuse to your account as a gift.

If you appeal again in Discord, we could give you 30 days/posts appeal.


No, thanks for your kind "offer/proposal". I will soon write a detailed Hive post on this "subject" for the entire Hive community to read about it. I will tag all main accounts here on blockchain. As I don't find my self guilty of any wrong doing in this matter this will be my defence from your false, unjustified acusation and at the same time my last and final Hive blockchain post. Take care @adm, @hiwewatcher, @spaminator, @hivewatchers and others.

I'm getting a Déjà vu here… might be the ten thousands time I read something this.

There are good people in this Layer0, they deserve better.

Liars, even if you would tell the truth this time. You need to go.