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RE: What services is Hive missing?

in #hive5 years ago

A website that actually incentivizes people to share hive content outside of hive.

Have a website where you have ads and ad revenue is used to buy hive and redistribute it (as hive power so it's not insta dumped) to people who had the most pageviews.

On that same website perhaps it could be a community thing where each community owner can decide if he wants ads or not and then he can then decide what to do with the tokens, he would then be incentivized to grow his community (and hive).

At first that same website could just have an upvote bot based on pageviews alone, it would already by a whole lot more productive than the current voting bots.

The incentives are misaligned on hive, and such a website would drastically change how we interact with hive, instead of pandering to whales for upvotes, people would try to get their article trending on reddit/twitter/whatever, which would get some outsider eyes onto hive. Plus we'll have a system where we have some sustainable buy pressure.

Coding it is relatively easy, then for marketing just do what was suggested previously by fredrikaa:

Specify the demographic / topic that we have the best chance of attracting and sustaining despite our limitations and onboarding-obstacles and poor UI (the early adopters are usually fine with that if there's a compelling value proposition or vision).
Find blogs/websites that allow guest writers where the target audience naturally resides, and do a post there (may cost a little bit, but it is the best converting early marketing strategy for any new website by far). Make sure to both share the value proposition/vision they themselves care about, in a story about Hive that is also informative (and doesn't look like just promotion).

Ideally combine that with a targeted effort to onboard creators in that particular niche with a medium following that makes them 1. good enough to provide value, but 2. "bad" enough to care about the low rewards on Hive and time commitment to get started.

We absolutely don't want (as I've seen people suggest we pay a lot of money for in other channels) to do generic Hive promotion/marketing. Because there's very little for new users to find of interest (plus a steep learning curve), your conversion rate will suck. Hence why we ought to focus on one area at a time.

And once this website grows big enough, you could even go and sell ad space directly for hive.

Anyways, we desperately need this kind of efforts, even without the ad part doing what fredrikaa says to grow communities.


I love the idea, but why would a front end sacrifice ad revenue to benefit random token holders?

Much better to include the "burn to promote" feature in the blockchain code and have companies bidding to be on trending. All payments will be burned.

We're quite keen to do this in the future, we mentioned this in our proposal. It takes a step towards allowing valuable content to be rewarded for an indefinite amount of time.

As per @howo's comment, and I haven't done the math, but I wouldn't be surprised if the levels of engagement outweigh any revenue subtracted from sharing.

With the above said, the value of this for Quello will come with more daily active users, so although it's definitely on our radar, there are a few stepping stones before this becomes a part of the site 👍

Looking forward to it !

It's a virtuous circle, give back earnings from ad revenue, people will then be more incentivized to post on your article (free content), and share your website (free marketing + free engagement).

You don't have to sacrifice all of the ad revenue, you can keep some to yourself if you want. And as a whole this benefits you just because you end up making the price for hive grow.

Makes sense.

Oh and btw, "burn to promote" already exists on chain, it's just that the front ends don't really show promoted posts.

I remember it in the promoted tab, was it just condenser showing it this way? If promoted posts were just normal posts, I guess front end devs would have them on trending by default, and would have to code an extra step in order not to show them.

They must be handled differently in the blockchain code at the moment in terms of ranking, and front end devs have to make an effort to include them. This "effort" is what makes or breaks the feature because most devs will just show the posts as they come, and not try to filter.

I'm just assuming, maybe devs are already actively filtering.

Ooo, that is quite compelling!

More ways for community owners and users to create more income streams. I like making money. It sounds like you do too. I, 150%, support this concept!😀

The icing on the cake is the part where people are incentivized to get trending content on more mainstream platforms. That is also pretty frickin' cool.

Imagine if all the people who spend hours making advanced vote trading schemes or trying to abuse free accounts to gain cents were instead spending all that time doing outreach for hive.

I agree it is a way cooler way to exploit the system. 😀