
Hey there. No such thing as butting in around here ;) Public conversations are for everyone.

So look, I don't know the future with certainty and anyone who says they do is lying. Whatever country we end in up will have its share of positives & negatives. The Philippines is great for its terrain, temperature, agriculture & friendly people. And the government will not be able to implement the total control we will see in the more developed nations. On the other side of the coin are the more dramatic aspects of your geography. During Grand Solar Minimums we always see an uptick in seismic and volcanic activity. So there will be more dramatic storms & flooding, more eruptions & more earthquakes. And it is possible if there are enough eruptions of sufficient size, the sky will fill with ash, making life difficult for humans & their agriculture. If you live near the sea make sure you have a good tsunami warning system and a motorbike at the ready.

I would certainly be interested to hear from anyone living in Africa in relation to my comment above this one.

Have a great Christmas!

Hi Sam.. sorry for the late reply.
I can see those positives/nagatives stuff... most esp. in the Philippines.
All things considered, top of the priority is my family back there.

Zambia I think was mentioned, but my friend is still in London. With the new mutant, anyone coming out of London might just be banned🙄
As for the urgency of relocation, there's not much too.

Hope for a better 2021🍷🍷🍷

these are all very interesting thoughts! Great thread....

good to know other people are still reading them ;)