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RE: Regarding DHF and HBD APR.

in #hive8 months ago

I found this post late. To add my two cents on both subjects.

The problem with Hive and building stake is it’s essentially money. If you want to buy tokens - must use Hive. Enter games or buy nfts - use Hive. There are very few opportunities to use HBD.

As for the DHF, I rather see one person, one vote instead of weighted voting.


True that we need more usecases for HBD, but these will come naturally with smart contracts.

I cant wait to use HIVE/HBD to take a backed loan in the future for example. This would be a great use case.

Regarding the 1 person 1 vote. This can't work here.

What could stop anyone to create an army of accounts? Nah. inviable. weighted HP is a must for gov.