
Dance for me.

Like what you're doing now for @acidyo? To maybe get a couple more votes? Or me actually physically dance for you?

You're doing a fine job of presenting your true colors.

Hahaha, bro, you just asked another man to dance for you? What in the fuck do you think you're doing right now? You didn't start any of this weird shit until you got bestowed upon, a golden upvote from @acidyo on one of your comments. The change is clear to anyone who sees the exchange we have had this entire time.

It's not my fault you keep coming back with disparaging remarks.

lol he thinks my $1 upvote made you switch sides? xD

I'm muting this serial tagger now, if he keeps spamming comments might consider bringing down that rep too.

Today I Learned: Why people don't click spam links.

I wasn't saying that your almost $3 upvote on his comment made him switch sides. He clearly was already trying to be an omnipresent being with unlimited knowledge. I was pointing out that directly after you rewarded him, he started being weird as fuck and went down hill because he clearly was trying to impress you and get more votes. His entire take and persona switched up when you voted on his comment. It got cringey.

And man, the only comments I spammed was to raise awareness of this post. You can bring down my reputation if you'd like. It just shows your power trip even further. It cracks me up how much you get off to "might consider bringing that rep down too". You're a fucking joke Mr. Volunteer firefighter.