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RE: Hive is ran by/policed by, a bunch of power tripping, entitled, keyboard warrior pussies; that jerk off and blow loads to feeling superior to any account holder that has less influence than they do.

in #hivelast year

as sharp tongued as this post may be, the OP is right, and i think that you know that. you got in during the ninja mine period and ive watched you devolve quite a lot over the years. yes i just created this account to avoid exactly what OP is talking about, which is retaliation by removal of payouts for disagreeing with the carteled nature of this chain which is even moreso carteled than steem, EOS, and WAX.

honestly @acidyo you should be ashamed of yourself. ive been here as long as you have and what ive seen you grow into a greed driven facade, a poser, a politician. "vote for me, i love you" then you play in to what pays you. i talked to this user privately btw they dont even know who i am, and i looked into it and its on the chain bro. he withdrew his vote for you and you almost like mother fucking clockwork started cartel voting all of his posts and comments and people he was affiliated with to zero.

so yeah, fuck you dude. youre nasty and fake. hive is dead. steem is dead. and people like you killed it. people like you, the fake ass mall cops that hide 24/7 behind anonymous personas asserting your stake dominance on actual users of the platform disgusts me and others, it's why everyone is gone. its why no one new is coming. its why newcomers might make two posts. they get bullied by you and your as OP out it circle jerk incel cartel pals.

have fun in your dying anime profile picture world where you put all of your real life time into something that youre killing to fleetingly feel special.

you all fucked the dream up and you know it.

everyone needs to cash out of steem and hive and wax and eos all this shit is carteled. all the witnesses suck each other off and if you don't obey like OP said you get FUCKED. you get your money and time investment FUCKED. this is like america where the rich get richer and the poor beg for crumbs and if they dont beg good enough, they get their crumbs taken away, but if you dont cross that thin blue cop line and help the good ole boys out you might get a slice of bread that expires tomorrow because this whole DPOS system is fucked. again cuz if the likes of cartel egotistical incel basement bros.

@acidyo, you disappointed me brother. you can write your paragraphs and sing your songs of how good you are, but if you look at the chain you started cartel downvoting all content from this user and their friends when they withdrew their witness vote from you and you fucking know it and that is a bitch move bro. anyone that wants to look at it look at it.

you are corrupt

this place is dead and your ilk are to thank


his witness vote just notified me about his existence and activity, I don't downvote others removing their votes or upvote those giving me a vote for that matter, I sometimes even downvote those who vote for me which may result in some unvoting and that's okay if they wanna use hive that way. Similar to how his tag here today notified me about his current activity. Assuming I have a vendetta against him cause of the unvote speaks against all my other actions on this chain which can easily be tracked as they are immutably stored. The reason for the downvotes has been rehashed too many times for me to again write down here, you can go look it up on his previous posts if you want to bother, that is if you're not him but someone else who's confused.

Most about what you said about cartel voting, rich getting richer, etc doesn't apply to hive on the same level as the other chains you mentioned and that's quite obvious if you took a look at what goes on there. I don't disagree that Steem and EOS are in trouble in that regard.