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RE: Hive is ran by/policed by, a bunch of power tripping, entitled, keyboard warrior pussies; that jerk off and blow loads to feeling superior to any account holder that has less influence than they do.

in #hive2 years ago

what a genius cop out there pokemon anonymous hero of the universe. no, I'm not @intrepidthinker. i purchased this account with anonymity in mind so that i could speak to the likes to you and the rest, voicing my opinion, many of which also share that aren't being showered by your monetary "love" and grace.

the fact is, you know you chose to retaliate when the vote was withdrawn. you can say "uhhhh i just noticed em den me start down vote everything them do and say and them friends do and say in reality that just a bitch move, a coward move, and a move by someone that isn't fit to be a lead, a block producer, on a platform that's centered around free speech and doing what you want with your stake. just call it like it is, revenge. you got your feelings hurt from a vote pull and you crushed the little man under your heel, tipped your fucking fedora, and said "i just noticed them, for i am all wise and seek the best on content sir, i am pristine and beautiful, i am for my fellow man" and to that i say you're a fucking liar and we all know it lol. the people backing you up here are in your virtual circle jerk on this dead and dying platform of garbage.

you and people like you fucked this up flexing too hard on the underlings. i reviewed the blog in question and for you to crush it disgusts me and should disgust anyone that understands how this all works.

you were vengeful.

you were a poor leader.

you know it.

you need to own it.

cop out more, i do not plan to feed this account hive to gain resource credits, but sometimes when it grows to where i can comment i will. because this account is worthless when it comes to monetary value. but it is valuable when speaking truth to "power".

you know you fucked up and vengefully mean spirited, get a life, do better, and practice more of what you preach, hell, maybe even go outside and interact with society to see what the common people may want?