I was inspired to do this mixtape by someone special in my life. She a lover of R&B songs and for that reason, I will be dropping the download link for this mixtape on her birthday.
This was supposed to be a surprise but I have other plans for her on her birthday!
Ladies and Gentlemen of this beautiful community , I bring to ya'll my first R&B mixtape titled ROMANTIC VIBES #romanticvibes
Michael Jackson
Celine Dion
Usher Raymond
Chris D Burgh
George Michael
Keysha Cole
etc.........ROMANTIC VIBES #romanticvibes mixtape featured many of our favorite artistes like;
USA for Africa #healtheworld
I bet you, you do not wanna miss this mixtape
ROMANTIC VIBES #romanticvibes mixtape drops on 1st MAY 2021
Artwork Designed by; Me, myself and I @iykeconero DJ K'NERO