Human developments can be described as the process of change and growth that occurs between birth and maturity. When a child is born, he or she experiences growth from time to time. However, in the human body, their is a part that doesn't grow after birth. Most individuals are ignorant of this. In this article, the body part that doesn't grow after birth will be discussed.
The part of the human body that doesn't grow in size after birth is the "Ossicular chain". The Ossicular chain can be described as the smallest group of bones in the human body that consist of 3 bones together namely: malleus, incus, and stirrup. These bones are connected together.
The Ossicular chain is fixed in the middle ear cavity depending on tendons and ligaments. The purpose of the Ossicular chain is to transmit sound via a chain reaction of vibrations that connects the eardrum to the cochlea and inner ear. They are essential for hearing.
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