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RE: Core development proposal year 2

in #hive4 years ago

Dev meetings have been awesome - You have been a driving factor to push for them and organize as well

I'm looking forward to the payment system eventually PeakD will be wanting to take suggestions from you and others of how you see a good UI going down

Thanks for picking up the ball on community backend development, that's huge and I'm looking forward to what you can roll out so we can present to communities.

Really crossing my fingers on the RC pools I think that will be a big part when we move to expand and bring in some big players later this year with our planned marketing project.

For a moment i was worried when you said you were thinking about if you wanted to continue... that would have been horrible to not have you around.


Also if anyone is reading this we could really do for some more hivemind development specially with communities. Get familiar and do a few helpful things and earn the trust of Hive users then also put up a Proposal. No reason we couldn't have multiple more developers working on core things like hivemind development.

Definitely ! working on hived is pretty hard for many reasons, but hivemind has a much lower barrier of entry, so if you got a solid grasp of postgresql and python you can definitely contribute !

Thank you for the kind words !

I'm looking forward to the payment system eventually PeakD will be wanting to take suggestions from you and others of how you see a good UI going down

Yes definitely, I think we will be building a lot of the apis endpoints in hivemind to ease development (and easily link them to communities) so it will be great to chat then.