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RE: Hive: Why I am Considering Leaving After One Week

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Hi @harlowjourney. I read your post word for word. You are a gifted and articulate writer. Don’t leave us.

I read quite a few other comments so I can attempt to not say what has already been said.

Sometimes I think Hive is like the Wild West. You’ve got your good hard working settlers, your outlaws and brawlers, your sheriffs and deputies and a whole lot of quirky personalities in the mix. So there are going to be run-ins with the deputies (some legit and some self-appointed with oversized egos — think Barney Fife on steroids), and all kinds of shenanigans.

I’ve had my occasional run-in with them. It’s disheartening. But my feeling is that, as in life in the real world, we shouldn’t let the encounters with a few self-important blowhards dictate our experience. (I say this not knowing what actually transpired or with whom.)

To take my Wild West analogy further, there’s something really cool about communities, which is that if one turns out to be run by tyrannical sheriffs, you can move to another. Just don’t move to a ghost town. Ha ha.

Those who have been around a while do forget what it was like to be new. It’s an unfortunate fact. We need to love and nurture our newbies as they find their way. I think most people agree with that but we are so loose-knit that it’s a challenge to galvanize around onboarding. The @heyhaveyamet group does an awesome job of welcoming newcomers. I predict this aspect of Hive will grow, as it is badly needed!

I hope you will reconsider. We are a motley bunch but there is so much good here.


@jayna Thank you for your comments. I really like your Wild West analogy. I think it is apt. As I mentioned in other comments, I appreciate all this support so much and it was totally unexpected. I will likely stick around for a while. I try to have a thick skin, but I don't think it is as thick as I might hope, you know?

Thanks also for the kind words about my writing.

That is wonderful news. You sent up a flare and the call was answered. Nothing you said was a huge surprise, and in fact it resonated with quite a few. It's important to hold up a mirror to poor behavior that hampers the goals of growth and prosperity of the platform!