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RE: How to set and cancel a recurring payment

in #hive4 years ago

What synchronicity. It was my research into cublife that led me to leofinance which then led me to some sort of steemengineteam that had been exploiting my vote through some old steem auto voting thing i had no idea what was going on some awful process about recovery account having to not be steemit. For days i was in a miserable recusive process with hivesigner having to handwrite new private keys only to then struggling to decipher my handwriting which had worsened after shattered on ice broken wrist a few years ago. At one point i was certain that i had lost my account for good. @steemengineteam @starwarz @vapenation these are accounts that still exist that had slowly leeched my accounts values and efforts for years. It appears as it may be a single person upvoting commenting and interacting with a dozen different accounts. I guess he thought he was all that. On the steem blockchain i started following the money and ended up with the address to binance. After that they sent me forty steem and an apology that that had happened. I GUESS that was around the amount they grifted from me but ill never know. I had prob logged into steemengine using an owner key so it was my own damned fault. Hiveengine steemengine whew it still makes me dizzy. It was terrifying to have to endure the small factions of too much power held at certain discord groups. Wether to trust third party apps when it says not to give certain private keys to third party apps. And then to see even within the voting of delegates some kind of fractal of the suspect eating away into the top 20. Chaos theory, am a strange attractor causing rapid changes. Watch how insane the movement of murmurs and you get an idea of tensors calculus rate of change. Things i know little about but feel them deeply?

Ramble on. I would like to thank the individuals 8F59A808-F763-499C-B720-24BA7C0D6918.jpeg
Who helped me and didnt lash out when i was pretty much out of my head. I still dont know the why and the what but it was right here in a conversation about cub that made me curious enough to investigate.