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RE: Absolute Bull

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Wow. This is what it was about?

I stopped buying SBI months ago because of this guy's threats. I played by his rules which I don't think i should have to....

I have been bringing people to HIVE non stop for almost 3 years now. And SBI was how I rewarded people to creating and embracing HIVE....

And this is the thanks I get...Downvotes for life?


Yeah this is going to go over great with my community.


That is why I said relax. This has just started. This will kick off today.

Sorry for the shitty vote in the @ihealyou trail as didn't know how much was voting on and have now upped it. I thought 20 percent was 20 percent and not a percentage of it.

Method SCALE 100%: if trail vote is 20% = your vote 20%
Method SCALE 50%: if trail vote is 20% = your vote 10%

Method FIXED XX%: your vote will be XX% no matter what the trail vote percentage is. Be careful with FIXED - it can drain your VP quickly down to your Upvote Mana threshold.

No matter which method you choose - make sure you have set your Upvote Mana threshold.


Hoping it will be sorted before I get to that point.