It sounds like a speech from Arthur in Merlin, when they wanted to go and fight Morgana lol. Nice one.
I agree that we should curate less extractors and promote good behaviors. I also have a bias towards those who are building here with us.
It sounds like a speech from Arthur in Merlin, when they wanted to go and fight Morgana lol. Nice one.
I agree that we should curate less extractors and promote good behaviors. I also have a bias towards those who are building here with us.
Haha I even made the castles to make it more like Merlin's speech. Extractors should be punished and also told why they are being punished. Small downvotes are an excellent tool for learning. If they are able to learn, they have the opportunity of becoming good HIVE citizens. If they cannot learn, they can go somewhere else.
Good one lol. I think it's important. Personally I try to educate people to keep their stake, I've done that in the past and I'm currently speaking to two people the importance of keeping and growing their stake. I don't really do that much DV all I do is do my research and if they're not keeping their stake at least 50% then I don't support them.