How Budding Autocrats Demand Your Compliance | The Need For A Vibrant Middle Class On Steem and Hive

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Let me start off by saying, save the removal of Justin Sun, #hive has many of the same issues its predecessor had. This includes a few large stakes who basically feel that stake entitles them to act in maniacal ways. If they like you, and you bend the knee to them, their attention is like the sunshine on a warm day. If you cross them or behave in a way they do not sanction, their retaliation is swift. So on STEEM and now HIVE, that retaliation meted out in the form of downvotes. Some of us care about rewards and downvotes more than others. An individual downvote is what it is, but its indicative of how much still needs to be resolved before this platform becomes anything beyond a curiosity. Let's delve into a specific example:

1. Rules For Thee And Not For Me

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They claim to have set standards, and they will be the enforcer of those standards. What are those standards? They are whatever they say they are, because they have the leverage. They control the carrots (big upvotes), and they have the sticks( big downvotes). They will tell you that downvotes are good, they should be used for over-rewarded content, but don't you dare cross their outrageous upvotes. Leading to step 2.

2. Promote Something Outrageous

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The first thing they do, is they find a way to spit in your face. They tell you the sky is purple, and then they stand menacingly above you expecting your full compliance. They take a shit post, and they prop it up in front of your face. They tell you it is acceptable to receive its rewards because they say it is. They then get their acolytes to endorse their ridiculous claims for the good of everyone:

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With much fanfare, they reward all those who participate in the farce. In the case of Hive, that means comment upvotes... but don't you dare deviate from their narrative.

For the record, I have nothing against @trumpman, he's a cool dude. I also love me a good shitpost

3. Punish Non-Compliance

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The last thing they do is dole out the punishment for your non-compliance from official looking accounts. Their goal is to instill fear, so that you never cross them again. And above you have their message of disapproval, expressed as a downvote, doled out on a blog post that took some effort I must say. Oh well, it's still above zero. Try harder next time asshole.

The Solution

The only real solution to this centralized power base, is the continued expansion of the middle class and lower holders. I was hopeful for this on STEEM, and I am a bit more hopeful for it on Hive. We must be diligent in ensuring their success, because without them, this platform will become more and more a joke, and a playground for maniacal bullies.

If this post makes me a pariah, then so be it. I will say and do what I feel is right, and I will own the consequences of that. If you don't like that, you can GFY. I will only leave after I feel the myopathy of fools has completely robbed this place of its potential. We aren't there yet. Good day and thanks for reading.


Holy shit you're a fucking whiny, ENTITLED bitch!!

Shall we talk about how the VAST MAJORITY of your rewards come from auto votes?

Now, the rewards are about where they should be for this post. Don't worry, I'll get the rest before they pay out.

You're free to say what you want, just like I'm free to vote how I want on what I want.

I got the full Bern, and still not zero. How cool is that?

Oh? Nobody said your posts were worth 0, but, we can change that.

Please do. It's much easier when other people make my points for me.

Unfortunately for you, nobody really cares about those "points" you're making...

Go ahead and actually buy some Hive, maybe then you'd actually deserve something you feel so entitled towards.

I bought some. What do you mean by entitled? I've never demanded anything from anyone, aside from them not being a fucking hypocrite. Seems like all the demands are coming from elsewhere.

You wouldn't be bitching about rewards if you didn't feel entitled to them.

It's all good man, if you want to build that reputation around here (which you are), that's on you, but, I'm going to remove as much as I can from your bullshit posts.

A decentralized platform should be a place for debate and not hate. There's room for plenty of opinions and just because we don't agree doesn't mean we have to become enemies. I really think that building a strong middle class on Hive will make the platform healthier, more appealing and more resilient. Fear of downvotes and powerful accounts actually contributes to self-censorship and we see this in legacy media as people are deplatformed for speaking their mind. YouTubers constantly cry about being demonetized but at the same time they cling to these platforms and later censor themselves by avoiding certain words or topics completely. People should be free to express themselves. I came to Steem originally because of censorship on other platforms, not necessarily myself, but just voices and opinions that were being removed and snuffed out. After removing Sun and his tyrannical behavior, Hive has a real opportunity to be something special... I hope we don't squander that opportunity.

After removing Sun and his tyrannical behavior, Hive has a real opportunity to be something special... I hope we don't squander that opportunity.

I agree. The diffusion of power over time is the only way that happens. Reliance on the benevolence of just few is not viable long term.

What do you mean by "middle class" though? Dolphin and above? Weren't there reports that came out showing HP across different levels of the Hive chain (redfish, minnow, dolphin etc)?

What if this middle class never materialises? Are we doomed...?

Another year, and they will be much less influential due to the spread brought by news users and voting them.@arcange's charts show the whales losing ~.8% a month to the rest of us.

0.8% per month? Do you have a link to that post? I like to see the numbers and charts

Nice one, I'll be checking these out a lot more

Lol no just more of the same, smallies selling what little they get and the price and user base trending sideways for the foreseeable future

Lol, always with the TA 😜

Lol I can't be anything but a Total Arsehole

What do you mean by "middle class" though? Dolphin and above?

That would be a good characterization.

What if this middle class never materialises? Are we doomed...?

I won't say doomed, but success or failure of both individuals and the platform itself will rely heavily on the benevolence of a few rather than the many.

Ok well, you need many people to comment and engage on this platform and that doesn't matter what stake size you have really!

I'm just going to keep on sharing music, contest fun and try to increase engagement on here because that's just as important (probably more so) than rewards?

You realize you're asking a bunch of retards, right?

Lol, I can't comment on the retards bit. I'm just trying to find things out!

Looks like we're back to business as usual....

Hive steadily going back down to 0.

When it's near zero, stake can be bought cheaply. It will be good for the distribution.

When I began using Steem in September 2016 there was a colourful elite fighting for control of an exciting technology wonder of the future - now it's the Cirle Jerkwater Chamber of Commerce.

now it's the Cirle Jerkwater Chamber of Commerce.

Classic! 😅😂🤣

This problem is self-correcting to a degree. Suppose the negative behaviors you describe become bad enough to deter investors and lower the price of the token (that may or may not happen as the money in crypto is mostly very dumb money). Then the difference between the holdings of large and small stakeholders becomes much less significant in terms of fiat. That will make it easier for investors at all levels of wealth to grow their stake. Hive whales tend to have fiat wealth as well as other crypto wealth whereas the Hive middle class tends to be made up of middle-income people. A low price of Hive will thus tip the scales in favor of the growth of the middle class.

I think so too, the market will correct it whether you like it or not, if the negative behaviour keeps the user base from expanding, it only means more users for other platforms

The market does not consider Hive a social media platform. In the eyes of the market, this project is an altcoin first and foremost. That's why its market cap can be $128 million even with such a tiny user base. Most people here do not fully grasp how overvalued HIVE is as a platform financially speaking. Yes, decentralization and censorship resistance are valuable but the organic monetary value of a social media platform comes from the size of the user base and how effectively it can be targeted with ads. The market cap of HIVE is tens of times higher than it would be without the exchange listings. If the money to reward the users and to fund the infrastructure had come from ad income, HIVE would be worth less than 1 cent.

The market does not consider Hive a

And why should it? It's a blockchain. The social media is just an app build on it.


Well, the chain itself has built-in operations and other primitives such as "posting", "voting", "rewards", "payouts" and so on. Hive is an application specific blockchain as Steemit, Inc put it. Steem from which Hive was forked was built specifically with social media and content delivery apps in mind. That it has the ability to store text without it having to do with the reward pool just extends its capabilities potentially to other areas as well.

Shut up. I just wanted to sound like a smart ass.

Flagging a couple whiny, overrewarded bitches isn't going to deter anyone, quite the opposite I could argue.

At the present level, I don't think there will be any effect simply because most investors don't care about the project at all. There are about 200 million coins on exchanges. They're speculated on by altcoin traders who know or care little about the fundamentals of any project. That's a good thing because it makes HIVE perhaps an order magnitude more valuable than it would organically be. On the other hand that allowed Steemitm Inc to underdeliver much longer than would've been otherwise possible. Now there's no Steemit, Inc or no Ned to blame for anything.

Well-stated. I agree with this assessment.

backscratching 🎇

circle jerking 🧨

daisy chains 🚀

daisy chains??? :)

posts/comments + witnesses + proposals. It's the ultimate decentralized experience.

That was going to be my question. 🤣

The freedom of these blockchain platforms means people can do what they like. If they managed to amass a lot of SP/HP they can use it to built others, especially if they have some degree of anonymity. But they are just big fish in a very small pond. The whole userbase is insignificant compared to the big social platforms. If they drive people away then we all tend to lose. Maybe they don't care about losing money in the long term, but some of us believe in the potential of Hive.

I've been threatened and flagged by some of the big guys. They can take my rewards, but that's just money. I won't cry over it.

Thanks for talking about what some would rather ignore.

You are right that the only solution is having a more even distribution. I wouldn't hold your breath though.

Congratulations @joshman! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You distributed more than 50000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 51000 upvotes.

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Revolution! Revolution!

Fun fact. This was my most engaging post in 3 years now. And I spend 20 minutes just to think what question to post in the ask hive communityb with that exact purpose (engagement and lulz) in mind. Quality is subjective. I bet many people had lots of lulz.

Edit: Ok I'll admit it. Other than engagement and lulz I also wanted to post something super dumb and outrageous to troll @acidyo who runs the community. 😂

You don't need to defend anything man. That's not what this is about.

Suck dicks, douche.

I thought it was a great fucking post and got more engagement than 90% of the trash this fucking moron writes. Keep it up man!


cheers, liz

Great job @joshman! Looking forward to see you achieving 60 000 😉

Dear @joshman

If you cross them or behave in a way they do not sanction, their retaliation is swift

I know what you mean Josh. I've experienced it on my own skin.

Please don't take it wrong way (I'm not trying to poke) - however don't you think that you were/are one of those large stakeholders, which is best not to cross? I remember criticizing you in the past and your response has been quite unpleasent and aggressive. So I've learned already, that it's best not to cross you in the future.

I also remember when I criticized likwid and acidyo and I was warned, that if I wont be quiet then "my little project hope will be destroyed". So I understand very well what kind of behaviours are you reffering to.

For some reason (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought that you're part of this gang of bullies and downvoters.

Hope this comment will not trigger your anger and I hope not to regret speaking out loud.

Yours, Piotr

Thanks for dropping by. Many of us are aware of your position on disliking downvotes. That is not at all the argument I am trying to make.

He is part of this gang of bullies and bitches. He hangs with all of the worthless trolls who have nothing better to do with their sad lives than hang out on Hive and bitch about what everyone else has that they don't.


Interesting post and something to definitely think about. Frankly, I have not been very active since the split from Steem. Not sure why, a few reasons I guess. Maybe I will eventually get back into the swing of things, but right now I am just not excited about it anymore.

That makes more sense to one of your previous posts about downvoting, but let me tell you that if I would ever receive than kind of downvotes, would break me apart, haha. Because I get big rewards on my post maybe once in a month or two, and seeing it be ruined in just 1 or 2 downvotes would be something to fight with mentally, lol

Tell me about it....

Entitled crybaby.

Tell me about it...

It's So #Posh


I caught this.

I really enjoyed reading that. Very spirited.


Dear @joshman,

We understand what you feel and this behavior has been going on for some time on both STEEM and HIVE blockchains.

Nevertheless, some communities I believe are fixing this issue by splitting rewards in an effective and as "fair" as it can be.

I wanted to make sure you were aware of the newest community focused on Crypto on Hive. It is called HODL and is aiming to reward underrated Crypto content creators.

You can read more below, be a part of it now (posting or supporting), we are waiting for you.

Launch of the HODL Tribe - A Crypto Social Community

