Whats This????

in #hive2 years ago

Looking at the crypto currency markets it seems like the moment the clocks went back and the dark nights have set in a bunch of 'smart' seed money has entered the game. Are they working up to a Christmas bull run? do they think a bull run is on the cards in 2023?

Doge pumping 100 percent. Much wow.


At the minute i'm starting to get excited, basically because of the timing. Are people still desperate to make money? because i mean face it join the back of the queue if that is the case. Maybe the money printing has been so fierce that it will make its self evident regardless?? Maybe the savage bear market that felt like it was just getting started is actually over?? Its a possibility to me at the moment, purely because of the timing of this action.

Every cycle we seem to have a huge calamity, probably Mt gox early days upto 1.2k. Bitconnect in the run to 20k and then Terra Luna up to 60k. I remember reading the whitepaper i think to some of these DeFi coins in 2018 and thinking wow they are just constructing huge elaborate ponzi schemes. Ponzi schemes as we know do very well, its just the nature of the beast.

I wonder what will be the huge disaster for cycle 4?, look out for it because it will probably sure exist. Almost like a funnel for all the hot money. When you see the steam rising somewhere on the horizon it's time to run.

Sure to be interesting but starting to get excited to be honest. You can usually sense it and at the minute feels like it's actually BOTTOMED OMG.

Really after all the naysaying over the last 4 months it was a DOGE pump that turned you eh?

I'll take it.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Now begins the process of people realizing the bear market ended in June.



This is your fault, sir.

I wonder what will be the huge disaster for cycle 4?

Putin will unveil himself as Satoshi Nakamoto.

oh boy, the way things are going anything is possible lol.

You heard it here first.
Time stamped and blockchained.


Will the Binance FTT sell off be the catalyst?

!1UP When everyone is waiting for the market to keep going down it means there can be rallies like this. The market always does the opposite of what we want, that's why I always stay invested, I'd rather take the risk than lose such beautiful highs!


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I think the money is coming in in preparation for a good old post-election pump. I'm hoping next week will be epic. It's hard to predict what the disaster(s) will be during the next run. I'm hoping to steer clear of them. Bitgrail was bad enough for me.

Post election pump hmm, who knows i mean stock traders who trade crypto and could very well be market makers are used to trading this kind of political narrative. I mean to me to it means nothing but maybe this stock trader mentality will/already has spill/ed over into the world of crypto.

It'll definitely be interesting to see what happens. Hoping this isn't a protracted bear market. I've heard some say we won't see any massive gains until 2024.

i kinda agree only the timing right now is exiting to me, but i mean bitcoin can creep back to 40k slowly and nobody will really blink an eye in the grand scheme of things which is what i think will happen. At that point 60k will seem like a certainty again and it will fly. Same old story only but i feel like bitcoin has made a major bottom right now kinda never to see sub 20k again. Id be willing to put a good wager on that one even though for a while with the recession and state of world i thought one goof black swan and it be goblin town. I think we may have bottomed :D

It will be very interesting to watch. This market cycle has been different from previous ones in ways that make the future difficult to predict exactly. I think Elon has something much, much larger in mind with his purchase of Twitter. I think he's going to eventually integrate Doge or Bitcoin (Lightning), this along with institutional investors entering once regs are clarified in the US will likely drive the market higher than anyone has anticipated.

I think the bottom needs more time as we expect before full market goes vertical again

Are they working up to a Christmas bull run? do they think a bull run is on the cards in 2023?

What is a bull run, I don't really know that is why I am asking is it something that is attached to the hive Blockchain like splinterlands?

About the cryptocurrency world it is really unpredictable, I wish it could shoot up soon.

Well this post aged well lol. Maybe we already peaked and that was cycle 4 over with lol. I kinda expected some kind of capitulation event and was waiting quite a while for it. I was expecting more outside forces to dictate but you know crypto is crypto full of surprises eh.