Nice to see some new faces posting on Fear is a real killer isn't it. I left the USA in 2010 after a dream told me to go abroad in search of a more fulfilled life. After googling "world's easiest residency visa," I ended up in Cambodia.
Now I've lived in Cambodia, Albania, Ecuador, and now Suriname. I am here with my Cambodian family, and due to three Cambodian passports, we only go to countries that show a willingness to host visitors/prospective residents from underdeveloped countries.
Suriname and Albania are certainly underapprecialoved destinations for life.
So far, did you find a more fulfilled life? :)
And I'm not a new face here, pretty old school, guess we just haven't met yet.
I would say yes, but there's always work to do.
Sorry, my mistake, but I've never seen you posting within the NaturalMedicine. There may be something wrong with the frontend. I am only able to view one post from your profile.