Hi! -ve from your friendly neighborhood Asian Kevin | Hive Blog #1

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people of the Hive network,

To be honest, I haven't really been posting much anywhere and have been using the isolation period of this year as a time to just play as many different video games as I can. I like to call it "scratching an itch" I always planned to eventually go back to gaming maybe a decade from now but thought "why the hell not now?" So I've played a lot of games and finished quite a few that have been on my list for a while.

Games Finished while in Isolation:

  • Lightning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII
  • Bioshock 1
  • Bioshock 2
  • Bioshock Inifinite
  • Nino Kuni 2
  • Life Is Strange
  • Life Is Strange: Before The Storm
  • Witcher 3
  • Gone Home
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Florence

Some of those games have completely blown my mind with twists and how gaming has changed over the last few decades. Haven't been playing much crypto games in comparison.

Other than that, I've been working from home which has its ups and downs. Feel like I haven't really lost anymore weight as the temptations of being at home all the time with food, and not really getting regular exercise has contributed to that. Been reading a few books but a lot of them get pretty boring as books do tend to repeat the same message for 250 pages.

Hoping to turn this into more of a daily thing. Also, how about that hive pump!

How's things with everyone here?

  • Kevin

I'm going to flag this at 100 %%%%


Now that's the Adetorrent I remember.

I ain't never changed. I'm just a little richer than before 😅
Dude you sound like Ned "Hive Network". Dafuq is that?

Would you rather me be Justin Sun? :}

I like Sun. He gave us Hive 😂

that is a lot you have covered

I know, I'm crazy

Welcome back!🤣

I literally hate the fact that it happens the day it moons. Been contemplating it for a week now to post haha

heheh, lucky for you, we're going for $3 with this mini bullrun. The big one after btc halving will set us at $10 at least🤣

I don't think my foolish heart could take another bullrun from bitcoin again. Not after 2017

hahaha, one would think you had enough training by now. You'll be fine lol

Living the isolation dream here! I’ve learned that I could never be a teacher as my kids would no doubt agree. The wife is a real life actual factual teacher but is working so she can’t help.

Other than that reading, training and doing house stuff. I was made redundant in February so don’t need to do work stuff.

Today I broke out all my old RC cars so will spend a few weeks stripping and cleaning them. Stating to feel a bit like a midlife crisis :D

Best time to do the things you normally wouldn't have time to, I guess. Hope you get a job again once the crisis is over


Missed you!

Ok bye!

Jon G Olson my favourite Canadian beaver

After watching so many people struggling and/or upping their hustle or otherwise being incredibly productive, it's nice to see someone chilling ;D

What kind of books are you reading? Maybe you need to get some new less repetitive ones XD

I'm good XP

hey hey. "12 rules for life" by Jordan Peterson was the latest book I half read. Had some good parts in it but ultimately a big blob of text with a lot of religion thrown into put me off it.

Hope you been well. Do you go on both Steem and Hive?

I can understand. There's not enough time for things you're not enjoying XD

Everything has been fine. Slightly weird with restricted movement. There's a lot of things I should be doing but I chose to spend my extra time doing more art XD

and a lot more hive, too much hive x_x

I was doing both steem and hive, but not many people I watch are posting on steem now and the ones that are usually cross-post, a couple are posting different things on both but I lost the mood to actually operate on steem, anyone's guess whether it will come back. I still drop in daily just in case that's the day it comes back, but all I do is go look at my wallet to see if there's sp to collect and how the powerdown is going (totally unnecessary because I know what day I can collect the powerdown).

Here for it dude! 🖤

Whoop whoop!