If you are wondering why i have gone from 1-2 posts per week to less 1-2 posts in a month it is mostly because financial problems as the internet prices are really overpriced for pre-paid customers
1 GB (am on a special plan) of mobile data is for 74.2 MVR which is 4.9$ it would take me about 500 MB to upload a good gameplay video 500×2×4 if i want to upload 2 videos per week would be almost 20$ per month for video uploads alone and to create the content i would also need to be online which would also cost me about 20$ so total rn is 40$ my monthly internet usage would jump from 10 GB to 18 GB that would cost me about 90$ i make about 500 MVR(33$) to 700 MVR(46$) per month sometimes even less
as such i am unable to post gaming content which is what i mainly want to post and i have been a bit sick over the past few months and barely even going out so am unable to take photographs as well i recently lost about 15 photos i took to upload weekly which is kind of a setback for me
But i would be active on Hive Twitter and Hive Telegram as i have permission to use neighbours wifi for twitter and telegram (speed is really slow like 256 Kbps most of the time) until i can start my photo blog again
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Update: No longer allowed to use neighbours wifi because someone got jealous and said i deplete it
Posted using Dapplr