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RE: Do You Even Hive, Bro?

in #hive5 years ago

Of course by now we know that the script which created the blacklist had a bug and many innocent people where added to the blacklist.

Hive is off to a bad start here by punishing innocent people.

these accounts may still have a chance to receive the airdrop by submitting a proposal to the “Decentralized Hive Fund”

Considering that you punished innocent users I have no choice than vote in favour of any such proposal.

A shorter blacklist with few hand picked account would have been the better option. Leaving justice to a script was a mistake.


The accounts listed by script error will be corrected. This has already been discussed and there will be more info about it in the near future.

To be clear - I am not referring to any of those people in this post. It was an unfortunate occurrence due to time constraints but it's nothing that cannot be fixed.