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RE: Not sure if it's the platform or the people

in #hivelast year

Gratitude and self-criticism are rare qualities in any area or aspect of life, and both of these qualities require continuous training and work on oneself.

I have made mistakes many times in my life and have often apologized when I realized I was wrong, and each time I apologized I felt stronger because it meant that I had learned from my mistake but more importantly it meant that I cared about that activity or person.

The same is true on Hive that even though it is a blockchain project and not real life it still has a very important aspect to take care of which is interaction just like in real life.

Those who make mistakes and apologize and restart show that they have medium- to long-term goals on Hive = they care about Hive
Those who make mistakes but want "a full barrel and a drunk wife" will always do a complete withdrawal, say Hive sucks, and disappear.

In the community of which I am a moderator there have been 4 cases where Hive watchers intervened and in all 4 cases the users had tried to be wrong. Only one user apologized and restarted and is now a great Hiver = he realized the mistake and cares about Hive.
The other three disappeared but all three had one thing in common: they often complained that they did not receive rewards and never or almost never interacted outside of their posts.

When I tried to advise them instead of appreciating that I was devoting time to help them they even got annoyed when I advised them to interact more...

It is always easier to point the finger at others than at oneself

Nobody is perfect, I am not perfect and Hive is not perfect but it is the best web 3.0 place to be in my opinion.
When I hear someone talking bad about Hive I always ask them to recommend another platform that offers the same things as Hive or is better...but of course I never get a good answer ;)
!discovery 20
@tipu curate