in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Time has come to write this post.

I kind of felt it creeping up for a while, and now that @theycallmedan got banned from twitter, took a break from #HIVE, and @acidyo started supporting pedophilia because his ego couldnt let him admit that he fucked up, i feel like theres really no one of any worth left here on HIVE that has significant stake for me to retain any hope in this platform being anything else but people farming HP to dump into shitcoins.

I trusted Acid, for one, but when i saw that he would gamble on Hivers calling him a pedophile supporter, rather then admitting he didnt research the topic enough, i knew that the HIVE top brass was a cesspit of self indulgence rather then a force of good.

Biggest stake holders are the reflection of the platform, they form the culture here. They are how we present ourselves outwards.

When it comes to Acid, he didnt even inform himself over the pedo movie in question (according to his own words). Gtg blasting the anti-pedo post with a downvote as well. Backtracking a bit later because he realized that would look bad 😂.
Maybe no one notices it @gtg. Maybe.

Who cares though? He can code.

Ofc, neither of them can be accused of being pedos. Id go ahead and say their reaction has nothing to do with pedophilia but rather with being completely out of touch and relying on their position. Being out of the realm of being criticized due to their influence and stake.

Justine left because she hated the community. Im done because i hate those that use the community.

Influence lets you say the dumbest shit and people will defend you.

I know most of you dont give a shit. Youll let yourself get fucked in the ass if the stake is big enough.
I can watch, but you aint getting me in on the "fun".

Most of the whales here that affect decisions are either assholes or inert. Blocktrades is inert, if i had to compare him to food Blocktrades would be Tofu, the rest are ex-bot owners that made their money from STEEM or were on with the premine....
Thats why Dan is the only whale here id trust with anything. BECAUSE HE BOUGHT HIS STAKE!!!

I always end up the asshole though...
I end up the asshole when @netosuo works 2 hours a day for 100k USD a year (according to his own words). Im the one at fault. Im the asshole when i wont submit to the disgusting arguments supporting pedophilia made by respected members of the community.


If i wanted to be bought for a few dollars like so many here id sell my ass on the corner.

Im the asshole when i wont support 50k USD for some secretary work. Im the asshole when i wont support you running off a major crypto influencer and insulting her for no good reason. Im the asshole when i attack those that shit on HIVE and defend Justin Sun stealing users money.


You know what?

Its hard being the asshole but its fucking easy licking it.

You just have to have a small lunch that day.

None of you that support this kind of behavior have a proper moral compass. None of you act like you would if there was no monetary incentive. If HIVE and STEEM was a proof of anything its proof that people will say and do anything to get up front. For a baggy of quarters.

I wont. I have some money. I dont need $10 on a blog post. I lead a nice life and im disgusted at spineless cowards.
I will burn the lot of you if its the RIGHT THING TO DO. I will support any of you if its the right thing to do.

Thats why im bowing out from HIVE.

The core team is utterly corrupt and none of them will do anything if its against the tenets of libertarianism (anarchy) or against nepotism and party decision making. Quite in contradiction, isnt it.. I thought Blocktrades would do something, i was wrong.

Hive will always have value and ill be here to take for myself the best of it. But im done with HIVE politics and trying to make this platform any better. Because i cant.
Its not worth wasting time trying to improve HIVE. Because you cant.

Buy more stake and try.

Most of the high stake holders (not all) were on STEEM to drain the reward pool with bots, they are on HIVE to circle jerk and drain the DAO by jerking off and not doing anything for months, they maintained the most despicable positions because no one had the balls to defy them. Its a waste of time to try and convince those that defend them.

But all that could be forgiven if they just focused on using that ill gotten stake to improve the platform. They dont. At best, all they do is what all of us with 1/100th of their stake can do.

Stake should NEVER trump reason.


Ill just be posting shit like everyone does.

Buy HIVE its awesome. HIVE is best. Its community. Its we love its best people love.

You know what? Ill say it.... I was right about everything about the DAO. I told you that the DAO sucked ass. You withdrew your votes from @netouso after 4 months for something i told you on day 1. I havent seen a single whale or core dev say a single thing about significantly improving the DAO.


I gave you solutions.
Oh but i had little stake. I wasnt a WAP, whales didnt like me.

Youre stupid

Never forget that. Youre stupid. Stupid. You are stupid. Very Stupido. Stupidum. Stupideto. Stupidoro.


Oh and dont forget to let @whatsup "in" again because shes nice, doesnt cuss, so she can fuck in the ass a bunch of other people and lose them thousands of dollars. ACTING NICE TRUMPS EVERYTHING!



I could agree with few of your points.

USA have problems
Apple have problems
Bitcoin have problems
ETH has problems

When you adopt long term thinking you will see problems as challenges and try to prioritise what is the major challenges HIVE has.

I for one, I wanted focus be the change I want to see in HIVE

The more you use it the more you see the problems. I couldn't agree more.

I invested with BNB within few days of CZ's ICO

Remember early days of Binance, CZ had to overcome many challenges that thrown at him.

Same circle jerks, diff blockchain. NOT surprised. There is always gonna be these type posts. #UsetheplatformDONTLettheplatformUSEyou

Yep! Welcome to the IDGAF anymore club!! I been here since before the big fork. I have no attachment to Hive beyond it being one of MANY platforms where I post. I wish Hive all the best, especially since I do have a small investment here, but at the same time I have not been blind to the path this chain has been taking.

Thank you for welcoming me to the club. My membership was pending for some time now. :)

I agree with (some) of the points too, I was all over the neteuso thing because I also noticed the proposal system could easily be abused and he was clearly taking advantage of it...

However, people hardly accomplish anything when you make it us versus them. Honestly, who cares what others political opinions are, trust me you won't change them. Who cares about politics when it comes to improving Hive if that's what you genuinely want. I'd like to see change in Hive too, but diplomacy is important.

I thought of the same thing re: all the auditions from the producers of cuties, it is sickening! If someone thinks that movie is ok it's not your job to convince them but you can share you opinion openly. Maybe they'll change their mind on their own when they know the facts. A lot of left leaning people don't do their research because of the us versus them mentality. They've probably never watched Fox News or any right leaning youtube channel out of spite, so it's very well the case those people are ignorant.

I don't like to see downvotes used for political opinions and I do think it would be fair to ask the question openly especially if the downvote was because of an opinion. "Hey gtg, why did you downvote this, it's all over the news and a lot of people think this movie is pedophilia" I think downvoting should be strictly used for plagiarism and maybe a few other things but not political opinions.

Or "Hey, how about you actually read the reason of downvote that I clearly stated and it wasn't about that post or even its content." (btw, that's the point, there was no content in posts there were just external links)

That was a very poor choice to make. lol. To pull a trigger on a anti-pedo post. Nice attempt at a save though with the comments and multiple downvotes later.

I just checked the block explorer and every single downvote and comment you made came AFTER Acidyo criticized the post for, as he puts it, "not talking about the context of sexually exploiting children."
I scrolled back 3 weeks and it seems this is the first time you even interacted with that particular account.

Then you proceed to downvote a bunch of pressfortruth other posts as well which i found funny. Nope, you didnt back down, you owned it! lol

Id go ahead and guess,(just a guess) that you ran into acidyos comments and since you recognized his name you assumed that what he was saying was a correct stance so you proceeded to downvote.
Nope, i gotta tell you. It was really fucking stupid.

Screenshot 507.png

I've actually never downvoted anything, but my criticism to the pedo post is that it should not have been tagged with Leofinance. I get Leo is hot to receive additional rewards and it's hard to pass up the tag (especially if you have auto-votes from Leo users)... I've accidentally posted into Leo twice or so admittedly. I'd like to personally see more appropriate tribe use for those having a niche, because not all do... All you have to do thou is put a financy spin on it!

In my opinion though the actual post has plenty of personal opinion in it... it takes advantage of what's hot in the news , but I see a lot of Hive users do that... As my posts do better I try to cite images, news articles etc. I think that would help with your posts Lord...

re: press for truth - I kind of see gtg's point mainly because he seems like a platform whore, what platform doesn't he crosspost on!? I think his videos are fine but his dedication to hive awareness through the use of other platforms is not, I never see him mentioning them. This is definitely a grey area though

I was responding to gtg. Not sure why it pinged you.

I kind of see gtg's point mainly because he seems like a platform whore

None of that matters. Thats not even what i called them out for. The "platform whore" argument hes making is just a deflection to hide the fact that the anti-pedo post was the first one on which he even interacted with the author.

Why do you think that's the case? I don't know about gtg but I've been for a while downvoting these platform whores with barely any other activity on Hive than linking their shit content that exists on 20+ other sites and getting autovotes to trending even though barely anyone gives a shit about their content here to even comment once even after hours of trending. Funniest part is they retaliate so hard it's like they're making it obvious they're trading in their votes for promotion money offchain.

Please keep downvoting platform whores, btw did I just coin that term? I've changed my mind and I think that's an appropriate use of downvotes (for now). Also, for the record: I don't think you're a pedo defender or gtg, just want to clarify and why I used general terms "their" referring to the fact that the movie has become politicized, I don't know why. I've actually never seen the movie either.

I think acidyo is actually one of the more honorable Hive witnesses, and I agree with his complaints about auto-votes. I have no opinion of gtg.

Just want to publicly state that since I involved myself a bit here :)

I dont care about that guy. Im talking about what you said about the movie, i dont care about any other topic.

Agree with much of the sentiment. The hill they seemed to have chose to die on is indefensible. I mean if you were unfortunate enough to see the clip I did. There is no effin way.

I don't blame you one bit from wanting to dip out of the politics because it is rather toxic. Coupled with the pride of many of the big players, perhaps irredeemably so. Unless they change of course.

That you point out many who were previously bot owners speaks to their unscrupulous nature. This is anarchic worldview on display imk.

It inordinately emphasizes freedom but leaves the truth behind. The nature of children, their vulnerability to exploitation, and that we should protect them from this vile thing Netflix has chosen to do, that is through not so subtle attempt to normalize pedophilia under the guise of combating exploitation.

I mean the MrGirlYoutube review speaks for itself that there are some sick perverts getting their rocks off to Cuties.

We need to most definitely turn the boat around.

Unfortunately i saw the dancing clip. It gets more disturbing the longer it goes. Going by the IMDB synopsis there are a few even more disturbing i really dont feel i need to watch.

Yeah, i really have to bow out of the politics. Sometimes it feels like im shouting at a wall... thats stupid. I mean it took 4 months of arguments and getting flagged just so they realize that maybe Netouso should not have 2 proposals funded and sit on his ass all day. Its a waste of time.

I wont even really expand further because you put it so nicely.

lmao really? did all the crazies band together to try and smear me over this? hahah

"previous bot owners" I really thought you'd knew better than to paint me in the same light as bid bot owners but fine have it your way, see how much I'll care

It's very bad optics and you think the criticism is clout chasing?

Sure everyone and their mama is making a commentary on this shit but doesn't change what it is, an attempt to normalize pedophilia and no, it's not a right wing conspiracy. There is no context that some of those scenes could be placed to make them ok.

As for being a bot owners, you were the better ones but it still is what it is. Now, I see many of the former bot owners getting full of themselves these days instead of having humility. Yall did something fundamentally wrong that required a fork to fix. I remember that.

As you may know, I haven't given up on Hive but the leading stakes have really made some doozies for decisions. Today appears to be your day, unfortunately.

Yall did something fundamentally wrong that required a fork to fix. I remember that.

like, protecting the chain?
well thanks for your opinions so I don't have to waste any more time down the line

the criticism was that the content creator hadn't watched the movie or any clips neither and was going full #cancelnetflix and the same stakeholders autovoting who vote up controversial garbage that never gets any traction, comments or anything but makes the site look more dead than it is and yes, I have some bias against that content creator for shit he's spewn in the past as well about things he had no idea of at the time neither but chased clout like a hobbit that he looks like chasing the ring.

Anyway wasted enough time on this now.

Ok I'll grant you that the creator did nothing to add novel value to hive and that was lazy af.

Autovoting these people is an issue for people who take time to create commentary unique to hive.

But as for cuties, it's degenerate and ain't nothing gonna change my mind on that.

Fair enough nor was I trying to change people's minds on the actual movie as I hadn't seen it myself nor knew much about it aside from some quotes I posted in my first comment on that post and what butterfly provided later. It does seem like one of those cases where the twitter hivemind was not exaggerating, for once.

Oh did you finally wake the fuck up to the hive scam? Oh yes, some us TOLD YOU SO, but you called us "conspiracy theorists".

What does any of this have to do with conspiracy theories?

You are a fucking dumbass and I'm not surprised you tried to shame me and gtg for downvoting that post and speaking out over some garbage cloutchasing trend "journalist". Wanna know what triggered me the most of your recent tweets? How you were trying to also accuse gtg for supporting pedophelia after downvoting the post he clearly stated was overrewarded and hadn't even commented about that movie. Honestly go ahead and eat shit.

I have nothing against admitting I'm wrong when I'm wrong, I've done so plenty in the past and if that's the case with this movie I'm alright with that, my point still stands about lowlife cloutchasers, but at the same time I have nothing against telling someone they're acting like a fucking psycho like the person that voted up this post just cause she has a problem with me calling her out for what literally most people are saying about her and telling you you're being an attention whore seeking drama for saying me and gtg are defending pedophelia. How fucking low of you. Not surprised you brought this shit up yet again after my exchange with that other crazy person trying to defend a post promoting a scam.

Talk to you on your girlfriends account.

that other crazy person

No idea who youre talking about.

I thought id give it a pass but theres a line that you crossed and i couldnt back down. I made it clear at the start that youre not defending it because you are a pedo or something like that but rather because you took a idiotic stance and couldnt back down, probably because of your ego. Thats the best i can give you.

It shows how amazingly corrupting to a person having influence on a platform like this can be. Youd rather defend pedophilic content, a topic that has overwhelming consensus for one side, than back down.

Id rather it didnt have to come to this but its not me that said it, you did.

Talk to you on your girlfriends account.

Hahahaha. Is that really the best you fuckers can come up with after so many times i called you all out and made you look bad over shit you did and said?

Fine ill respond to this one more time.
I used to share that account with my wife more than 2 years ago before i even knew what the hell Steem was. Then i decided to commit to Steem and thats when my first post was even made on my current account, lordbutterfly account. You can actually see that happen on chain. Ive said that publicly and told everyone i knew about it when i started my account, thats why you assholes even know about it. Using that info as if its something im trying to hide when its me that told everyone. lol

I knew the timing was funny for you to bring back this shit and still seem to rather focus on the actual movie than what the disagreement was about and initially triggered me to comment on that post, had you known I've been downvoting and getting retaliated on some of that autovoted garbage maybe you'd know it's not always about the content

anyway, pretty weak attempt, good luck in the future

Look, theres a thread here. LINK
There it is... Anyone that thinks im bullshitting can go and read the thread.

Every comment you made is you justifying the movie, justifying the exploitation of children. Talking about context of the story as if it justifies whats going on on screen. You even go as far as saying that "the good this movie will do outweighs the bad ...of exploiting the kid actors."

I draw the line at people in any way supporting sexual exploitation of children. You crossed that line. Only you can answer why.

You can call me crazy all you want. You fucked up and got called out for it. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow dont be the one that says something as reprehensible. Its better if others say stupid shit. That way they get called out, not you.

anyway, pretty weak attempt, good luck in the future

Ive no idea what youre trying to say with this tweet? Someone retweeted me? Jaynie doesnt like you?

Yep, I referred to some things of what people were saying about the movie while making it clear that I hadn't watched it or knew anything about it basing my thoughts on netflix defending it and the sensitive shitshow of what twitter culture and cloutchasers have become lately.

Am I maybe wrong and the movie is as disgusting as some say it is? I don't know, I'm not going to find out myself but if someone I trust more than some other attention whores say it is then I'll admit I was wrong and apologize.

I'm mostly amused at the little straws she's trying to pull to get back at me for calling her out on defending her idiot admin promoting a literal scam, with the timing of you bringing this back up and trying to smear me and gtg as a pedophile defender it fit perfectly. Not to mention her whiteknights now also using those comments against me and my gaming content, pretty pathetic to say the least.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about whatsup trying to make a comeback into the post reward pool.

Am I maybe wrong and the movie is as disgusting as some say it is?

Yes. Youre wrong and the movie is disgusting. I pointed you towards proof of that but you continued defending it. Had plenty of time to back down but you didnt.

And gtg, after seeing he fucked up, instead of backing down he tried to hide it. Started downvoting everything and leaving comments, as to hide the fact he fucked up by standing in support of your attacks against the movie critics.
I found that funny.
Still deserves to get called out for it. Own on your mistakes, dont try and hide them.

I have nothing against you calling out that, but you went past rational and calling us pedo defenders when you well know and have read my comments stating time and time that I don't know what's in the movie and that I'm just tired of these twitter trends that pop up literally daily, yesterday I saw one trying to cancel JK Rowling over some random book she's written, let me guess the content creators on autovotes will jump on that one today too and also talk about that without any more knowledge than I had yet profiting from it.

Anyway, even though I've often felt you were way out there chasing the lowest form of attention I don't have anything particular against you. Noticed the undelegation which I'm assuming is what made you give up and try take others down with you on your way out, or you've realized there's too many bridges you've burned here so might as well restart on a new account cause curation is alive and well as long as your history isn't garbage. Either way, good luck.

PS. go burn your powerdown on season 1 gods unchained cards. 😂

I agree that the whales do seem to circle jerk the DAO considerably, Especially the multiple proposals by some 'devs' who are asking for questionable amounts of compensation for questionable amounts of 'work'.

I also dislike the number of 'running cost' proposals. If you going to run a service than work out a way to pay for it other than the DAO, Can't be having constant drains on it like that, Should be used for hiring devs and producing the service more than paying to keep it running.

DAO in its current state is a shitshow. But... i DGAF no more.

The virtue signaling is strong in this one. Let's miss out the point of the conversation that happened regarding that post and call them pedophiles and pedophile supporters instead! Tag them in tweets and posts to let everyone know that they are bad and I'm good. :o

And also I was right about everything since day 1. And I'm also the only courageous in one in this platform cos everyone's a coward. Wooooh.

Nope, not calling anyone pedophile.

Tag them in tweets and posts to let everyone know that they are bad and I'm good.

I never said i was "good". Im just saying that his defense of the movie is indefensible. How do you call out someone that does and says something bad without actually "calling them out".

And also I was right about everything since day 1.

Yeah, i misspoke there, youre right. By "everything", i mean the topics ive been covering these last few months in regards to the DAO turning into a shitshow.

And I'm also the only courageous in one in this platform cos everyone's a coward. Wooooh.

Theres a few others ofc but yeah, so many cowards here.

U&RI'm beginning to see the same things @lordbutterfly, though I had high hopes that this would turn out differently

This is something that was shown in full force during the split. Once upon a time I felt like Steem could change the world. Damn was I stupid to think that.